My name is Ryan. I'm a surly IT worker who used to be a real live system administrator before he moved to Massachusetts. As it is, I'm already hands-deep in servers and work for one record company, teir merchandising arm, one VOIP start-up, my own side-lined consulting gig, and a ginormous software company. I'm doing ok for 25.
I like to cook (to the point of being a kitchen snob) and I like to read comic books. I am, in fact, a walking panoply of modestly obscure comic book trivia. I am strangely proud of this...
When describing me, I feel it important to tell you that I have taken a solemn vow to never work another job which requires me to wear shoes, slacks, a collared shirt, or a tie. There will be no loafers, hush puppies, or patent leather anything in my professional future. My daily work attire is dirty jeans, dirty sneakers, a disheveled t-shirt and a zip-up Diesel Sweeties skull hoodie.
I was not joking about my vow. Seriously.
I recently moved out of my life-long hometown to take a job with a relatively large software company in Natick, MA. I find myself living in "scenic" Worcester, where the townies pronounce it "Wis-tah". I call it "Little San Juan," because approximately half of the town seems to be Puerto Rican. That's ok. They're my people.
That's also not a joke.
Everything in Massachusetts is really weird. Pedestrians don't know their place, people don't know how to take left hand turns, and they call the sprinkles on ice-cream cones "jimmies". It's got a real "Stranger in a Strange Land" sort of vibe to it. Except minus the water sharing, sexual proclivities, and Martian super-powers. The juxtaposition between the strong liberal bent and the fierce regulation and taxation is probably my favorite thing about the place.
I am loquacious, sesquipedalian, and opinionated. If you didn't have to look up the first two adjectives, I probably want to be your friend.
For the record, if I don't know you, I'm probably going to deny your random friend request. I probably don't like your band. I almost definitely don't like your friends.