to the man i will marry...:i know ur out there... its all a matter of Gods timeing nd wen he wants us to meet... I hope that it will be soon because the longer i get to love you... the better... nd the longer i get to feel ur love... the better... but like i sed all in Gods time.... I'll save u a kiss and i'll save u the words I Love You... cuz until the day that we meet i dont intend on giving myself to ne one!!!
VALERIEI Love ANYTHING I CAN DANCE TO andything i can get my freak on to with mah baby...i love ballroom dancing so any up beat ballroom music. songs by aaliyah and all kinds of other artists
ROBBIE:I listin to hiphop and r&b But my favorite(s) are Tamia - Still nd Spend My Life With you I love you baby!
VALERIE:I love every movie i..'ve seen with my baby especially Hitch
ROBBIE: love every movie too, i see with my baby :-D and every movie we dont see wink wink :) HEHE!
VALERIEI dont watch television that much but wen i do i like to watch the Simpsons, Kiddy shows on Disney and Nickelodeon, and those reality t.v.t shows like beauty and the geeks
ROBBIE:I love The Simpsons and Valerie, I love watching Her all day, its a NONSTOP HIT! lol
VALERIE: book ehh dont really read em unless they force me to do so in school...but i like fairy tale stories cuz im still a little princess and love stories cuz im mushy like that
ROBBIE: You dont have to Burn books to get rid of it, just stop reading them.
ROBBIE:VALERIE IS MY HERO! (shes my SuperWomanHero) hehe!