we wont b 2gether again... he ruined our family... profile picture

we wont b 2gether again... he ruined our family...


About Me

it's really over... he doesnt love me anymore....
I never thought it would end... i really never did...
but now i have to face the facts that yes.. i wuz more in love with him then he was with me...
I know wut most of u are thinking... that it wuz just another stupid teenage relationship and that I wuz dumb for having a kid with him...
we'll ur wrong... i was in love with the robert i had once known... he gave me no reason to not love him and no reason to think that....it would ever end... he was a great father in the begining and really cared about the both of us very much... as u can tell by what he posted on this page... u can tell that he really did love us...
but not enough...
he wants to just be with his friends... aj bryant.. nd who ever else it is he chills with... and u know wut its fine.. those are his friends i understand...
but me nd lei didnt deserve this...
i am put with all the responsibility while he ses that hes working for leila... but he hasn't paid for a single thing since she was born.... sad but true... but i never cared... because to me as long as he spent time with his daughter that meant more then any money...
soon he stopped spending time with us... and i let that slide too cuz i understood that he needs his space... but he wanted more then just space... he didnt want to be with me ne more...
it would have been a lot easier on me if he had just left me alone and told me he didnt want to be with me... instead... he kept coming back and making me hope that just maybe we'd be a family... but in the end of him coming back at least 5 times...I finally asked him..."do you love me how a guy should love a girl"... nd he sed... "I just dont feel that way anymore..." nd that wuz just it... his love for me faded and theres nothing i can do about that...
im not gonna act like my heart doesnt hurt.... but for sum reason im ok with it...
im just happy that its finally over and i can go on knowing... I DID THE BEST I COULD TO KEEP MY FAMILY TOGETHER.... and i can go on happy with that....
u know robert is a great guy.... to his friends... and hes a funny guy... but everything he did to me wuz so shady ... that we can never get back together ever... well we could... but i dont want it... i dont want sum1 to treat me like crap... i dotn need a guy whose gonna ignore my calls and instant messages.... or a guy that lies to me about where hes at or wen hes free cuz he dont wanna spend that time with me... i need a guy who cherishes me and will love me through think nd thin...
but i thank God for it all even though my life is hurting at the moment...
i will continue to pray for the man i feel inlove with... i will continue to pray that God will let me find the guy im supposed to spend the rest of my life with ...nd God will let me find him... it may not be ne time soon but he's out there... nd i'll be there with open arms nd an open heart...
i will continue to pray for those that continue to hurt me... i cry wen i pray for them.... because it hurts so bad to even mention their name... but God wants me to do that so that i dont hold any grudges...
my daughter.... i know most of u are thinking about leila nd are like BUT DOESNT SHE NEED HER PARENTS.... well leila never really knew robert... she knows thats her dad... she knows his face... she knows who he is... but she never spent a lot of time with him... so she'll never know him like she knows my side of the family... so shes not really loosing much... and u know the guy i marry her will love her like a his own i know that... nd i wont go with ne one whod love her less... she'll be ok... dont worry... i will love her with all my heart and raise her the best i can... nd she'll be fine...
wen i get my car... i'll drive her to visit her grandma nd grandpa on the holidays nd on the weekends... cuz thats important.... it just that me and rob... have drifted apart... nd i did everythign possible to keep it... but love just isnt enough sometimes.... faith is all that can help me now.... so thats it thats us... nd thats the truth...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

to the man i will marry...:i know ur out there... its all a matter of Gods timeing nd wen he wants us to meet... I hope that it will be soon because the longer i get to love you... the better... nd the longer i get to feel ur love... the better... but like i sed all in Gods time.... I'll save u a kiss and i'll save u the words I Love You... cuz until the day that we meet i dont intend on giving myself to ne one!!!


VALERIEI Love ANYTHING I CAN DANCE TO andything i can get my freak on to with mah baby...i love ballroom dancing so any up beat ballroom music. songs by aaliyah and all kinds of other artists
ROBBIE:I listin to hiphop and r&b But my favorite(s) are Tamia - Still nd Spend My Life With you I love you baby!


VALERIE:I love every movie i..'ve seen with my baby especially Hitch
ROBBIE: love every movie too, i see with my baby :-D and every movie we dont see wink wink :) HEHE!


VALERIEI dont watch television that much but wen i do i like to watch the Simpsons, Kiddy shows on Disney and Nickelodeon, and those reality t.v.t shows like beauty and the geeks
ROBBIE:I love The Simpsons and Valerie, I love watching Her all day, its a NONSTOP HIT! lol


VALERIE: book ehh dont really read em unless they force me to do so in school...but i like fairy tale stories cuz im still a little princess and love stories cuz im mushy like that
ROBBIE: You dont have to Burn books to get rid of it, just stop reading them.


ROBBIE:VALERIE IS MY HERO! (shes my SuperWomanHero) hehe!

My Blog

-=BiG RoB=- How the Daddy used to Feel...

Well, Yeah I am a Daddy, its overwhelming, but not as hard as people made it seem. I love my little girl so much, she is my pride and joy and my everything. When I first looked into her eyes, somethin...
Posted by we wont b 2gether again... he ruined our family... on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 10:12:00 PST

worry = lack of faith?!?!?!

well i wuz reading this one article this lady wrote and she listed ways to live this new year and one of her points said "don't worry because worrying is a sign of a lack of faith..." when i read tha...
Posted by we wont b 2gether again... he ruined our family... on Wed, 04 Jan 2006 06:41:00 PST

OMG Y do people call Christians Hypocrites?!?!?!

  CHRISTIANS or "RELIGIOUS" people being so called HYPOCRITES(sry dunno how to spell dat).... haha you can say... " ya she says shes all holy nd crap but she does this and she does that"... haha....
Posted by we wont b 2gether again... he ruined our family... on Wed, 16 Nov 2005 05:41:00 PST


life brings a lot of unexpected things.... but the way to deal with them is just embrace them take it to heart learn from it... somethings make u have to grow up nd be mature ....some things mess up u...
Posted by we wont b 2gether again... he ruined our family... on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

To My Baby Valerie Victoria Bartlett

To My BabyValerie Victoria Bartlett, you are my wife my bestfriend my one and only my beautiful baby girl. You are my princess locked up in the Tallest Tower On Highest Castle On the Biggest Valcano G...
Posted by we wont b 2gether again... he ruined our family... on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


haha look its miss Silang  UUU KNOW it shiiiettttttt silang is a city by the way a city in the philipines smart ones...
Posted by we wont b 2gether again... he ruined our family... on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST