"When in doubt, go for it!" -Adrian Lee Borden
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Who is this Adrian Lee Borden character? And why does she have three names?
I was raised in Alabama with the compassionate ideals of the Bald man and Amanda Dub. They rocked it and sealed the deal with Joe (my bro) and me. He is an amazing person. His wife Michelle carries herself with a grace that I can only hope I learn myself one day.I am more poor than I have ever been in my life, but I'm happier also.Over a year ago, my "about me" had this in it: I know that I'm smart. I know that I'm attractive. And even tho I have never been in love, I know that it exists and is the single most amazing and powerful, dangerous, beautiful experience that I will one day have. I can only say that I'm lucky to have not come across it yet, for it would surely stop me dead in my tracks as an actress. Here's the tidbit - I've met him! And like they say, "When you know, you know." Love screws with your head, man! One day you're on top of the world and the next day you wanna rip your heart out so it'll just stop lub-dubbing all over your world. It's an amazing journey. And it rocks!
Here he is...yay.
My theory on acting is that I'm built for it. I'm an acting machine. I hear dialects, I see actions, I feel emotions and I love to entertain the people around me. I am headstrong and determined. But I have a naïveté which my dad says I should "protect." I want to get my masters in musical theatre or acting in London at RADA or LAMDA, find my life there as an actress and then, who knows where that will take me?
Most of the time you can find me choreographing for or dancing/singing with The Satin Dollz...
...or working with my peeps, the wonderful folks who comprise Women's Ensemble Theatre...
...I've got two crazy, awesome roomies...