Whatever happend to the idea of being human, and human alone? Content with ones self for ones self. Content for another for being the same person you are, she is and I am...........Has the governmental construct forced you into being the jerk off that you are? Or is it because you cannot look into the mirror, look into your own eyes and say to yourself, 'I am worthy'........
Anyone who tries to be themselves and not a corporately owned image. Peoples who do what they do cause they believe in their own personal manifesto, not someone elses. The blessed few who can make their fantasy dreams into a surreal reality, defying all laws of the corporate construct. In my fantasy dream you and everyone I meet will hopefully be this sort of person........
Basically anything before '65 generally gets my approval. Therafter is music for the buzzards. Cabaret, real jazz and real blues.
Of Freaks and Men, La Notte, Naked Lunch, Nights of Cabiria, Bucket of Blood , A Streetcar Named Desire, Great Expextations, Big Sleep, Dark Passage.
Snuff your television so you may be able to think for yourself for a moment. Then you may finally realise your actually human.
If you find an imagination block in life you may need a book to fill the void. I have no use of such things.
The homeless man with a garabage can and rhythm sticks. The homeless old man usually understands the rhythm of reality well.......