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About Me

Die-hard Northeasterner. I do daresay I would DIE if I had to move to another part of the country. Here in Albany NY one is only about 3 hours from both NYC and Boston, and if you tack on another hour, you're in Montreal. Needless to say, three of my favourite cities.Let's see, trained vocalist, have tried my hand at commposition (much harder than one imagines), generally involved in all the fine arts. Semi-geeky, that is, I must consult a real geek on all overly techie subjects. Academic background in history, with an emphasis on Russia and Eastern Europe. I love crawling around any used-book store, I could spend a day in the Strand if I could. Of course, there is food... both cooking and eating it. I am afraid I have done rather too much of the latter, and need to keep walking to keep off the pounds. There is nothing more comforting than a good bowl of shchi with good Russian dark bread with kasha and gribi on the side.In my early 50s, but definitely not stuck in the silly 60s. Too many people my age look back to Woodstock and all that, but I find such... BOR--ING. We live in 2007!Generally, a forward-looking woman who looks for all the good to be found in simple things.

My Interests

Music, the arts, good cooking, restaurant crawling, good conversation, a good book to curl up with, internet poking

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I'd like to meet:

Hmm... it's not a case of who I would like to meet as much as who I have met, and how they affected me.Most of the people I met were from the Russian-American "world", and there were many characters to be sure. There was Bishop Averky with his little tea-parties, Captain Nicholas Alexander who is my idea of a model gentleman, Father Cyprian with his scowl and duck walk, not to mention Sophie Koloumzine and her ready smile and lady-like demeanour.I have met some "famous" figures, but none of them impressed me. They all appeared to be mere facades, Potemkin people, as it were, all show and no substance. Why such pathetic fascinate tabloid-readers is beond me.


Rinsky-Korsakov, Rakhmaninov, John Adams (some), Philip Glass (a little, certainly not Nixon in China), Skriabin, any of the old choral chestnuts, a sucker for Russian and French pop music (I must be the foremost Mireille Matthieu and Alla Pugacheva fan in the US)


Pavel Lungin's Island. Anything by Eisenstein or Tvardovsky. Doctor Zhivago. Anastasia with Yul Brynner (my choice as sexiest man of the 20th century). Bedtime for Bonzo is still a hoot! when in the mood, Plan 9! I used to sneak off to watch MST3K. Bad movies are good for the soul.


Ouch! I don't watch much. To be frank, I don't watch it at all, but I'm not a boring fanatic about it. An obsolete medium mired in the silly 60s.


Tolkien's Ring cycle. anything by C S Lewis. My Life in Christ by St John Kronstadtago. Josephus (he knew all the dirt, and told it well). Pushkin in the original. Macaulay.


Yuri Gagarin-could have ejected but stayed with the plane. Mayor Rudy-don't agree with his liberal views, but he speaks what he thinks, rare today. Anna Akhmatova-grace in a graceless time. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the women of Nadezhda-no comment needed