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Szanawni panstwo, Drodzy przyjaciele. Poswola panstwo, ze sie przedstawie. Nazywansie Julian Parker-Burns. I jestem ameriykanskim artysta-malarzem. Mam zaszczyt powitac wszystkich gosci na mojej pierwszey wystawie w Krakowie w Gallerii Faust.Galeria Faust Wenisaz! Sztuka Wisjonerska Julian Parker-Burns. 11 Grudnia, 2007 godz. 19:00. Klub Faust Krakow, Rynek Glowny 6, wejscie od ulicy Siennej.Dzienkuje bardzo, Do zobaczenia!...Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Julia Parker-Burns. I am an American artist-painter. I have the honor to welcome you to my first exhibition in Krakow at the Galleria Faust.Galeria Faust Vernisage! The Visionary Art of Julian Parker-Burns. December the 11th, 2007 at 7pm at Club Faust, Krakow, Rynek Glowny number 6. The entrance is on Sienna street.Thank you very much, See you later!Regards, Julian Parker-Burns

My Interests

Synchronicity, holographic universe, shamanism, painting, collage, music, photography, sub-culture history and what people will go through in order to feel connected with themselves, eachother and the verb sometimes known as god.


Andrew Bird, Joanna Newsom, The Kleptones, GHP, CCC, DJBC, Joni Mitchell, Captain Beefheart, Frank Zappa, Harry Smith, JJ Cale, John Martyn, Neutral Milk Hotel, Sparklehorse, Nikos Xidakis, Beatles, Mozart, Chopin, Mahler, Gillian Welch, Richard Thompson, Yoko Ono, The Unband, The Aloha Steamtrain...


The Qatsi Trilogy, Baraka, Hedwig, Rushmore, Shawshank Redemtion, Head, Theremin, Fast Cheap and Out of Control...


A Wrinkle In Time, Kitchen Confidential, Tibetan Book of the Dead, Where Dead Voices Gather, The Negative Dialectics of Poodle Play, The Little Prince, The Electric Cool-Aid Acid Test...


My Mum and Dad, The Bird Family and the Parker Family, my wife, my daughters, Frank Zappa, Salvador Dali, Phil Cavenaugh, Jennifer MacIntyre, Scott Johnson, Diana Fitzgerald, Alex Grey, Judith Wilson, John Rozum, Gillian Welch, Cathy Smith, F. David Peat, Michael Hedges, John and Jane Pack, Jen Lee, Heidi Yanulis, Lord Buckley, Terrence McKenna, Timothy Leary, Ram Das, Tich Nat Han, Jim Whitewaltman, John Peel, Rupert Sheldrake,

My Blog

Sztuka Wizionerska w Klub Faust

Julian Parker-Burns, syn Rafe i Kate Parker, urodzil sie 14 Maja 1969 roku. W okresie dziecinstwa waznymi elementami które przyczynily sie do rozwoju byly: filozofia Zewnetrznej Granicy, homeopatia, ...
Posted by Julian on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 05:48:00 PST

Trying to Solve the Paradox of the Parenting Artist

I'm a "schooled" artist but over the last ten or so years I've been taking more and more directions from "unschooled artists" in the form of outside artist, naive artists, shamanic artists and perha...
Posted by Julian on Mon, 28 May 2007 01:54:00 PST

The Aegean Center for Fine Art

The Aegean Center remains to be one of the most inspiring arts educations I have ever had. I graduated from UMASS at Amherst with a BFA in Painting, did a year of study abroad at the Exeter...
Posted by Julian on Thu, 24 May 2007 12:23:00 PST

Krakow Stencil Graffiti

As I wander the streets of Krakow looking for collage fodder I also hunt down this lovely form of graffiti.  Stencil graffiti takes a different kind of care and meditation than free-hand gr...
Posted by Julian on Thu, 24 May 2007 11:47:00 PST