tom profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships

About Me

I work on a farm 6 days a week and I LOVE my boss...He's the best. He says I am the best rock picker he has ever had. That is one of my greatest accomplishments I have done so far in my life. I hoping I can learn to drive the tractor told me that he is gona teach me how to drive the lawn mower this summer.. i was so happy last week when the man let me use the weed wacker arounh fone poles i couldent sleep for to days after that it made me happy in pance..i ben workn hard saven money 4 a low rider tonka truck..and a new dress.

My Interests

hunting whitetails year around.... and searching for the wild satchmo i know he is out there yauctom i also like playing with my dog it is the only thing that will love my ugly ass dog loves peenut butter..ya no what i mean...

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet anyone and I mean ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! espssuly a swinger or swingers it hase been my life goal to meet some swingas.


the wheels on the bus go round and roundthis is the way we wash our cloesi just want my oatmeal


Bareback mountain and The Deliverence and broke back mountian its my faviroite


dont watch much aint got no cable


play girl


Dave shinko & hot lips

My Blog

goin to dokter

went to dokter he gresed me up bad...made me squrt bad...things you gota do at 50
Posted by tom on Mon, 21 May 2007 07:15:00 PST

workin the yaktum

the way to work the yaktum is to take long walks on the beach with your hog hanging low and out but i cant because my noise is to large simba im just a lonley old man who cant get it up any more i mea...
Posted by tom on Fri, 18 May 2007 07:13:00 PST

workin the yaktum

the way to work the yaktum is to take long walks on the beach with your hog hanging low and out but i cant because my noise is to large simba im just a lonley old man who cant get it up any more i mea...
Posted by tom on Fri, 18 May 2007 07:06:00 PST