During the day, I work overtime for free. At night, I play video games, drink beer, and make compilations that no one will hear. In between, I'm thankful that I'm not in jail.
Current attention has been directed toward Battles, Dan Deacon, Pig Destroyer, Earth, Fennesz, Parts & Labor, and Deerhunter.
Hot Fuzz was brilliantly funny, Pan's Labyrinth and Appleseed were both fucking beautiful. I loved Howl's moving Castle. I'm currently watching all of the Harry Potter movies in order, too...I'm up to The Prisoner of Azkhaban
Battlestar Galactica, The Office, Arrested Development, and Adult Swim.
Just finished A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole. Now reading The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon. I've also had a hankering to reacquire some Choose Your Own Adventure books.
None today, sorry.