Yaoi Terrorist profile picture

Yaoi Terrorist

I miss Die's hair.

About Me

I live a busy life. I travel a lot going to see bands. Mostly Jrock. Chances are if you can't handle thinking outside of the box... We are not going to get along. I'm not normal, by any stretch of the imagination. And please, stop measuring my friendship by the amount times I speak to you per day. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY.
-I like boys who have AWESOME hair. No slobs plzkthx.
-Eyeliner is hot, on BOTH genders.
-No fatties... take some pride in your physique. DX
-You have to pick up a book WITHOUT pictures and read it once in a while if you want to even THINK about holding my attention.
-No elitist assholes either.
-You're not the boss-a-me!
-Loving music is a MUST!
I have exactly 3 years to move to Japan. If anyone can guess what Reita wants to happen in the next 3 years... I'll give you a cookie. 0.~
Also, If I get one fucking comment about, "They look like girls. O.O I only date, MANLY men." I will bitch slap you and tell you, "Thats only something ugly girls say to justify dating uglier men." Bitches. STFU! Dammit.

until it ends at the
(the real codes don't have the dashes. :]
lawls, later...
Jrock Artists I've seen so far
Dir En Grey (Orlando, NYC)
12012 (New Jersey)
Miyavi (LA)
alice nine. (LA)
Vidoll (LA)
D'espairsRay (LA)
Girugamesh (LA)
Merry (LA)
Duel Jewel (LA)
Kagrra, (LA)
the GazettE (London)

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Dir En Grey - Raison D'etre
Words cannot express how good this song is!

D'espairsRay - Reddish ~Diva Version~

Killwitch Engage - The Arms of Sorrow
Yes, I still listen to american bands.
They just aren't as nice to look at.

Aside from the AWESOME music. This is why I love Jrock.

Hey Wataru! Let me borrow that FUCKING top!

My Blog

Where are all my evil bitches? I have fun things for you to do.

YAY! So I was part of a DEG american street team wanna be thingermajig for a bit. Then they sent out this bulletin BITCHING the members out about not participating.... and I wrote them back sayin...
Posted by Yaoi Terrorist on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 01:03:00 PST

i should just let it go...

but it fucking eats at me... and sometimes... i think i like it that way. FTW... SRSLY. evenescance -  farther away I took their smiles and I made them mine.I sold my soul just to hide the light....
Posted by Yaoi Terrorist on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 09:56:00 PST

you all may be wondering... a video analysis of jinxs musical tastes over the years.

I think a lot of my friends don't understand and feel a bit intimidated/alienated by my recent flux of international musical tastes.. I've been thinking forever on how to explain it. And this I think ...
Posted by Yaoi Terrorist on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 04:38:00 PST

Apparently I am selfish and inconsiderate. Lawlz! XD

As many of you know. I've been in a band for the last two years. I busted my ass for that band... Even when my close friends, and random musicians, and people who shall remain nameless have told me I ...
Posted by Yaoi Terrorist on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 11:23:00 PST

My top 10! *fangirl warning*

[1] - List your top 10 celebrity crushes.[2] - Put all of them IN ORDER of your lust for them. (10 to 1, 1 being my number one fixation)[3] - Say which movie/show/thing it was that hooked you.[4] - S...
Posted by Yaoi Terrorist on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 11:56:00 PST

i'm kind of ashamed...

to say i have discovered Tokio Hotel.... and actually like their stuff. >. i agree though, the german versions are a little more emotive, but the english isn't bad either....
Posted by Yaoi Terrorist on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 12:18:00 PST

I got bored and fangirled... ^^;;

Myspace is dumb and at my post. >. Yeah, so I needed some cheering up and took some fangirl quizzes because.. Well I just felt like it. xD Sorry, I didn't get any Kaoru, Shinya, Uruha, or Kai answ...
Posted by Yaoi Terrorist on Thu, 17 May 2007 04:50:00 PST

I leave for Japan tomorrow...

So this is good bye for 2 weeks. I hope everyone will be safe while I am gone. I will be in Tokyo for most of my trip. 2 days I may be heading over to Osaka to see Phantasmagoria and NoGod play. Assu...
Posted by Yaoi Terrorist on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 10:50:00 PST

Going to Japan....

I'll be in Japan from 4/29 to 5/12... So don't expect too many replies on myspace as I'll be too busy drooling over fine asian men. Things I've sceduled for myself to do: eat REAL sush...
Posted by Yaoi Terrorist on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 03:44:00 PST


I wanted Kaoru but finding a good wallie of him was hard. So I settled for the other amazingly talanted, amazingly handsome/sexy/orgasmic guitar player from Dir En Grey. Andou "Die" Daisuke. Fuckin' h...
Posted by Yaoi Terrorist on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 09:37:00 PST