God surrounds, permeates, and fills the Universe, infusing it with life, color, and animation. I am becoming me. The universal, all-encompassing love of God is guiding the process. The Universe is a grand procession, destined to be consummated with a final good purpose; it is now in the ages of birth pangs, but eagerly looks forward to the time of its liberation, finally shining with the eternal splendor of the One eternal.I also like pranks and a quirky sense of humor.
people who wonder.Listen to the melody of the Universe. The Universe is energy. Not one equation is divided or escapes another. It is all connectedly flowing in diverse yet one motion. The one marvelous equation and principle is, just as we have always known and yet are only now finding out (as we discover that we are one living organism), LOVE. Just as the ancient mystics have always insisted. The Universe is one organism, and is an expression of Love. You and I are not excluded. I am part of the whole. I cannot escape it. I must eventually awaken to the fact that... I am love - An expression of God. Listen to the melody of the Universe. The UNI (ONE) VERSE. ONE VERSE: Love. The organism of the Universe is now a creature with a disease, like any living creature with a disease. This disease exists because its heart is sick. The Universes heart is humanity: the intelligent consciousnesses which are able to actually move to the divine rhythm of love in its actual feeling and emotion. Humanity must relearn love and be healed, and the consequence will follow that the Universe will be healed and become the one exemplary living organism of Love, a grand reflection of the radiant God who is perfect infinite Love. “The earnest expectation of the Creature waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God. For the Creature was made subject to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of One who subjected it, in HOPE that the Creature itself will be delivered from its bondage of corruption and liberated into the glorious freedom of the children of God. For we know that up to the present time all of Creation groans and travails with pain, like the pain of childbirth. But it is not just Creation alone which groans; we who have the Spirit as the first of God's gifts also groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for God to make us his children and set our whole being free. For it was by hope that we were delivered; but hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it with patience.†- Romans 8:19-24the Universe is magical. all the elements and equations are full of God-breathed life. simplicity.this sharp image reveals a large number of low-mass infant stars harmonously coexisting with young massive stars.the Universe is pushing and fighting, out of the dirt, up into the lightLight Eternal, guide each of us back into Your eternal light.don't ever forget what it means to be a child. the return to innocence."Born in this great universe filled with the mystery of the Infinite, we cannot believe that our existence is a momentary product of chance, floating without purpose on the currents of matter. It is not possible to consider our lives as fantasies of some dreamer who must never awaken. We possess a personality whose nature and force can only make sense when associated with something deeply personal that palpitates within us with human love for the greatness of good, the martyrdom of heroic souls, the ineffable beauty of nature, sensations and emotions that are not on the order of the physical, but rather the expression of a personality"~(Rabbi Tagore)If our eyes would only be opened, we would see that all of Existence is filled with Divinity. It is a Presence that holds the scientific laws of the material Universe together from whom streams the energy and light which makes up our spiritual identities. A Presence, an ultimate reality, in which all things, people, and creatures, live, move, and have their being. If this Spirit withdrew, Existence as we know it would cease to be. We cannot escape Him, or ultimately destroy Him from our minds, for He runs through our veins, and fuels the spirit and breath within us. And finally, our hearts must come to realize that every longing we ever had was always found in His infinite being of Beauty. No matter how much we try to deny it, yet every time we are moved, whether it be a tender longing for love, or the sense of wonder that warms our heart when we gaze out at a sunset, it is a testimony of the infinite Source, who is endless in what is right, beautiful, and glorious, who we long to return to. A Being who thinks and speaks all things into Existence and holds it all together in Unity, a Being who we like to call God, and yet who is infinitely beyond any word of our finite linguistic propositional structures. This Being is mysteriously ordering all things and circumstances to the end of a perfect consummation in which all things being birthed and proceeding out of Him, must indeed return to Him, and which will culminate in a display of the harmonizing of all things in Love and Light, in supreme goodness, which must triumph over all until all competing forces (evil) must yield and finally be no more. The only final and eternal reality is God, who is Goodness, which is why evil in any form must be swallowed up forever.What if I told you that all of your dreams, all of your aspirations for life, all of your ambitions, are found in simply one gift: the gift of being. The human consciousness is able to perceive with intelligence and feel emotion, wonder, beauty; it is able to love and to be loved. Able to drink in all the natural energy and beauty of the wonderous Universe we have been birthed into. Your dreams of accomplishments, of success, your ambitions, must come to peace with being fulfilled in nothing but the gift of now: the reality that you are a life force, created in the divine likeness, here to experience all the diverse mystery and beauty of the Universe which is a reflection of, and has its essence in God. Quit living as if you must accomplish something, some futuristic dream or aspiration, in order to be fulfilled. The past, present, and the future as seperate divisions is an illusion. Time is one fluid motion. It is a continual unfolding of who you were, who you are, who you are to become, who you will always be. The past and future do not exist except in your mind. The present is all you have been given. Now is all that exists.All of your dreams are now.Plan and pursue what you wish for the future to hold. But realize. All you have, and all you will ever have, is NOW.Perceive that which is good. Wonder. Adore beauty. Revere the mystery of all things. Love, and be loved. These things are eternal. They will never be taken from you.Drink it in. This is the gift of life.You are triumphant against all evil. Christ, the conquerer of death, is within you. The kingdom of God is within you. This reign is destined to finally work into and out of all, until it has finally filled and enveloped all orders and equations and powers and hearts and perceptions, until the whole human experience is liberated into perfect love.God is beautiful, He is the Rain that renews and replenishes, and the Wild that infuses with adventure and pilgrimage, and the triumphant Sunrise that brings light and life to the colors of nature. From Him all is cascading into a billion different stories and into Him all is finding its theme and eternal, complete Purpose. From Him comes the will to be, the opening of the eyes to ravishing Beauty, the gifts of well being that cause us to pause and in gratefulness offer praise to the Giver, the eternal Splendor that lifts us up into joy everlasting, in the all-encompassing and perpetual realization of Love and Light.
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life is beautiful, joyeux noel, braveheart, lady in the water, a beautiful mind, empire of the sun, last of the mohicans, peter pan, city of God, max, memoirs of a geisha, beauty and the beast, the legend of 1900, forrest gump, the passion of the Christ, sleepers, swing kids, schindlers list, forever young, the notebook, paris i love you, any alex jones film, many more.
Do yourself a favor and research the evidence that the 9/11 Commission Report covered up concerning 9/11. Find out the truth about 9/11, and spread the word. About 1/3 of the people of this country now believe that the U.S. Government was behind 9/11 to further a global imperialist agenda. If this is true, which the evidence overwhelmingly supports, it is of massive importance. The opinion of 1/3 of the country does not deserve to go ignored or dismisses as a conspiracy theory. Any of the following films are helpful:Terrorstorm, Zeitgeist Part 2 and 3, Loose Change, Freedom to Fascism, you can find them here: http://www.911docs.net -Our world and the system thereof is much more sophisticated than you think. There are an elite group of people behind the scenes, comprised of international bankers and men with enormous power and money who are the puppetmasters of massive corporations, businesses, and organizations that control the Government, the media, and are waging a war on your mind. 9/11 was a perfect example of this. The "official 9/11 story", accepted by the general public, was that Arab men duped American super technological intelligence and carried out the most sophisticated and brutally successful attack on American citizens in history, and on its own soil. Through the media then, the collective mind of the citizens of this country have been controlled, and the Government has now begun a "War on Terror". Who, what is terror? Whatever the Government says terror is. There is no real enemy. Terror hass been since the beginning of Time and will always be as long as the laws of science permit fear and pain. Do you honestly think there will ever be a day when we will say "We have won. Terror has been defeated. The War on Terror is over." Think about it. So an eternal war has begun that provides the perfect scenario to cause global paranoia and fear (which also increases terrorism, for fear breeds hate breeds terrorism) until eventually the worlds citizens willingly relinquish their rights and a New World Order is ushered in under Global Government, where cash is eradicated and all monetary system and credit is through a chip that they implant under the skin, which also has a tracking device in it, through which they can monitor its citizens at all times. This is called the RFID chip, and is already being discussed on the news, as they condition the publics mind into it. If you don't believe this, just look on the back of your dollar bill, and you will see on the left the "all-seeing-eye" at the top of a pyramid. The plan is a Global Government, with dictatorship at the top, in which all people everywhere are watched and monitored. This symbol was put on the dollar bill about 80 years ago. They have been working at this for a while, and by way of the Internet (which they are also now trying to gain control of), this information has gotten out to the general public. The bill has already been passed, and is to go into effect March 2008, to require every citizen of the U.S. to have a "Universal ID card", without which you will eventually not be able to travel, drive a car, get a job, etc. which has this very same tracking chip in it ("Incidentally" the design for the card is white with the same pyramid and all-seeing-eye logo that is on the back of the dollar bill). They are selling it to the public as "illegal immigration control" and "safety from terror". Their next step is to eventually put this chip into your body. This is an outrage! Is anyone awake, does anyone realize that fascism is infiltrating the land of the free? Or are we fast asleep in our pop culture, working all the time, going to school, being amused and entertained by everything imaginable, movies, tv, music, food, fashion, alcohol, trying to make it in life, being robbed of 30 % of our income by a tax that is completely unconstiutional (which is also a scenario, a matrix, they have created for us), to where we have no idea or care at all that a fascist regime is carrying out a Globalist agenda. When will we wake up, get angry, demand the overthrow of tyrants that only wish for world power and money and to keep us in bondage and ignorace? Get out of the matrix that they have created for you and demand a right to be heard, as a human being with powerful potential! The human spirit will triumph over these evil powers. For we have beauty, love, truth, goodness and the Creator himself who is on our side. Good will triumph over evil. Yet this is the elitists plan and it is not something to fear, but nor is it something be ignorant of. Remember, we are beautiful beings capable of independence and making our own choices! "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of those ends, it is the right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government."
the holy longing, the evidential power of beauty, the ghost in the atom, mystics of the Christian tradition, love burning in the soul, desiring God, what does the Bible really say about hell?
anyone who has overcome fear with love, and lived from the heart. my family.