B-SIDE profile picture


Can i kick it?

About Me

Here some short Facts about me:
Björn Kraus aka Dj B-Side aka Pumping Brothers. Vor 11 Jahren begann der symphatische Northeimer und Wahl-Hannoveraner seine Dj & Veranstalterkarriere,die Musik ist es auch immer noch die ihn mit der Leine-Metropole verbindet!
Regelmässige Bookings im ehemaligen A2 bzw.nachfolgenden Orbit-Club in Peine war seinerzeit die wohl mit angesagteste Trance & Techno-Location im Norden der Republik und machten B-Side somit zu einem festen Bestandteil des berühmt-berüchtigten Hannover-Sounds & der Dj-Community!
...mit seinen hypnotisch,-progressive,-treibenden Hardtrancesets kredenzte er seiner Partycrowd Gänsehaut-Feeling "par exellance"
B-SIDE feilte langjährig und sehr experementierfreudig stetig an seinen eigenen Sound und bescherten ihn heute seinen eigenen unverwechselbaren Mix-Stil aus UK,Acid & Tribal-Techno.Treibende-Percussionfreudige Set..s serviert er seinem Publikum und zündet wahre "Subbass-Bomben" aus allen Speakern!!!Regelmässige Gig..s im SoapClub/Hannover und ein Booking im legendären Butan Club/Wuppertal wurden ihm zu teil-hinzu kommen unzählige gehostete Event..s (s.unten)!2008 wird B-SIDE desöfteren im Online-Radio Set..s zum besten geben-siehe Konzertdates!
2002 half der Zufall B-SIDE über dem Lokalen "Club-Sterben"hinweg,als er sich mit seinem langjährigen Freund & Veranstaltermentor Markus Hänsel aka Dj Broker zu einem Dj-Team zusammenschloss - Die PUMPING BROTHERS waren geboren.
5 Jahre daurt nun schon ihre Erfolgsstory: 2Jahre Schallkraft/Hannover Residents;VisionParade/Bremen;Reinncarnation/Hannover;Überd ruck-Label-Party-Hangar5/Hannover;TimeTunnel11 & Messehallen/Hamburg-hinzu kommen noch unzählige Veranstaltungen die gehosted wurden. Pumping Brothers spielen Holland,-Italo,-Hardstyle/Jumpstyle und sind gern gesehene Gäste im legendären Tunnel-Club/Hamburg.
...nicht kleckern sondern Klotzen,B-SIDE legt und veranstalted zu dem noch mit seinem langjährigen Kumpel JAM da BASS in Hannovers TechnoClub Nr.1,dem SOAPCLUB regelmässig seine "Ready 2 Rumble"-Eventreihe (siehe Konzert Dates)...drüber hinaus veranstalted Björn mit seiner Northeimer Homebase :"ELECTRIC NOISE"-Techno-Events der härteren Gangart, u.a mit Torsten Kanzler(Killaz),Mahatma(Error),Hanson & Schrempff(Rohr Rec.) & Minupren(Hells Bangers Rec.)u.v.m.
Here some short Facts about me:
Björn aka Dj B-Side aka Pumping Brothers. 11 years ago the likeable Northeimer and electoral Hannoverian began his Dj and Organizer’s Career, it is the Music also still him with the rope Metropolis Connects!
Regular Bookings in the former A2 and the following Orbit Club in Peine was at that time probably with the most announced Trance and Techno-Location in the North of the Republic and made B-Side therefore a steady Component of the famous-infamous Hannover Sound and the Dj-Community!
... with his hypnotically, Progressive, to Pr-propelling Hardtrance-Sets he proffered of his Partycrowd creeps feeling "par exellance"!
B-SIDE polished for many Years and very much experemantallly Pleasures steadily his own sound and given him today his own unmistakeable Mix Style from UK, Acid and Tribal-Techno.Drifting-Percussionpleasure Set..s he serves to his Audience and lights true "Subbass-Bombs" from all Speakern!!! Regular Gig..s in SoapClub/Hannover and a Booking in the legendary Butane club / Wuppertal became to him to - Countless hosting Event..s (s.downstairs)! In 2008 B-SIDE performed regular on the Online Radio becomes a Set..s at the Best - See @ Concert Date..s!
In 2002 the Chance helped B-SIDE over the Local "Club Death" when he united with his long-standing Friend and Organizer’s Mentor Markus Hänsel aka Dj Broker to a Dj-Team - the PUMPING BROTHERS were born.
5 years does now already her successful Story: 2 Years Sound Strength / Hannover Residents;VisionParade/Bremen;Reinncarnation/Hannover;Ãœberd ruck-Label-Party-Hangar5/Hannover;TimeTunnel11 and Mass Halls / Hamburg come, there still countless Arrangements gehosted became. Pumping Brothers play Holland,-Italo, hard style / Jumpstyle and are with pleasure seen Guests in legendary Tunnel-Club/Hamburg.
... do not make a mess separate Slog away, B-SIDE lays and host..s to still with his long-standing Mate JAM there BASS in Techno Club of Nr.1 of Hannover, the SOAPCLUB regularly his " Ready 2 Rumble " - Event row (See Concert dates)
... about that out Björn hosted with his "Northeimer" Homebase: "ELECTRIC NOISE"-Techno-Events of the harder pace, u.a with Torsten Kanzler (Killaz), Mahatma (Error), Hanson and Schrempff (Pipe Rec.) and Minupren (Hells Bangers Rec.) and more.

B-Side Live @ ElectricCulture-Altes Recar SDH(30.06.2007)

B-Side Live @ ElectricCulture-Altes Recar SDH(30.06.2007)"Meinem Profil hinzufügen | Mehr Videos
B-SIDE @ ElectricNoise "Rohrbruch" @ SoapClub/Hannover 24.02.2007

My Interests


Member Since: 5/12/2007
Band Members: Event-Concept,Radio & Booking via:

Ready 2 Rumble-Space : www.myspace.com/ready2rumbleevents
M@il to Ready 2 Rumble-Events:
[email protected]

www.Radio-Overdosed.eu...B-Side performed Live on Radio-Stream


www.Vinyl-Recording.de - Professional Vinyl-Cutting


Upcoming Gig..s :

Influences: ~ B-SIDE play UK Acid&Tribal -Techno:
D.A.V.E. the Drummer , Chris Liberator
Hydraulix , Stay up Forever , APEX ,POUNDING Grooves

~ B-SIDE & BROKER aka Pumping Brothers kicks Dutch&ItaloHardstyle:
...like Technoboy, Zany,Deepack, Luna,Showtekk, The Prophet

Hardcore like: Tommyknocker , Predator

~ B-SIDE`s other "Mix"-Passion are Progressive-Hard&Tribaltrance:
Ãœberdruck , Organ Donors , ArneL2, Lab 4 , Lisa Lashes , Paul Glazby , BK,
Tidy Trax , Nukleuz , Sectioned ,Vicious Circle
Sounds Like: ...100% B-SIDE...! ~Roll the Drums & let the Party started...~
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

B-SIDE-RIOT-Mix(02/2008)100% Pounding UK/Acid-Techno

Follow the Link:http://www.megaupload.com/de/?d=3CQGLFKG...
Posted by B-SIDE on Mon, 12 May 2008 08:26:00 PST