ahhhhh.....music, film, graphic design, computers in general (I luv technology, and I will still luv technology) hot babes in general!!! Spinnin wax....that type o shit.
Here is our newest track playing above, check out our other shiz too.
everyone.... but only if you like music.
Crystal Method, Prodigy, Chemical Bros, Shpongle, Violet Vission...... pretty much anything psychedlic, with big hits, bass, and groove.
Devil's Advocate, Matrix Trilogy, Constantine..... ahhh now I look like a dork.
Smallville ....that's right biotch!!!
Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time" series, Sara Douglas - "Starman" series (if you like RJ, chech this series out), Terry Brooks "Shannara" series, JV Jones is my new authur of choise. She kicks ass, check out the Baker Boy series and her newest series!
Anyone who makes a living doing what they love, especially in art or music!