I help promote other people, music, etc. with a cause.
I would greatly appreciate if you did the same for me.
.. "
"Smile alot today, okay?" -Matthew Gilbert
"When you look in the mirror in the morning, don't let the world tell you you're ugly, don't let the world tell you you don't matter, don't let the world tell you you're fat or dumb or stupid, or not cool enough for myspace. Know that you're beautiful know that you're special..." -aaron gillespie
i'm 16.
i'm average height.
average weight.
an average student
who is wishing to do better.
i'm a virgin.
with no first kiss.
i don't drink.
i don't smoke/do drugs.
i'm not proud of that.
i'm left handed.
but use my right hand too on occasion.
I have never had a job.
i have had most of the same friends,
since i've been in first grade.
i pray each night.
but i don't go to church.
i live by the lake, by the sea, and by the city.
i live on a mountain.
someone i care for
lives 3000 miles away.
i have recurring dreams.
most about the world.
and i believe in god.
i feel like the more i talk,
the more i contradict myself.