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transparency for development

About Me

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We are currently preparing a development project trying to introduce an integrated approach linking needs of micro businesses in terms infrastructure, education and corruption. The major issue however is transparency. The idea is to transport a picture of the current situation, the problems and possible solutions. The mission is very idealistic and is supposed to initiate a change in development into a new direction. The target group "the people of Bangladesh" must be addressed and supported more concrete. Our interdisciplinary research project will try to do this - inspired by a one month stay in Bangladesh. In August we will trek together with Bibi Russell through the rural areas and work with the grass route people to find the insight we need to fullfill our mission. I invite you all to take part in this project and support us by giving us feedbacks or by getting involved as an advisor :-)

My Interests

MISSIONDear Sir or Madam:transparency is the key element of a free market economy - it allows the human potential to implement problem orientated and sufficient changes in society leading to development.Transparency, knowledge, studying ... is our occupation as students therefore we - Aleksandra, Jochen, Bryan and Bjoern-Lasse - will explore Bangladesh in August 2007 and try to bring light into the dark. Our mission is a scientific socio-economic analysis of rural Bangladesh. Our aim is more transparency for development.In the one-month period accompanying Bibi Russell – designer and peace prize laureate – we will trek through Bangladesh. Mostly we will live in the rural areas experiencing the local everyday life. We will confront ourselves with a different reality and expect to find the insights we need to accomplish our mission.In cooperation with various partners and supported by visionary sponsors we will try redefine the terminus “development aid”. Economics, politics and sociology will be the conceptual disciplines - the basis of our work. Our objectve will be an integrated approach linking the issues transparency, corruption and the needs of infrastructure and education. Our research is based on empirical data provided by our research partners and interviews made in Bangladesh.On the following pages we will give an outline of our project. Our Motivation is purely idealistic relying on pragmatic data. Therefrom we are deeply convinced that we will able to impose change through our work.We invite you to support us and to make our vision come true. Above all, communication – transparency – is the most important contribution.Sincerely yours,Aleksandra, Jochen, Bryan and Bjoern-Lasse


plz read the information brochure: /web/transparency%20for%20development%20-%20information%20br ochure%202.pdf?gda=4tnvBWoAAABjJu5Rw2zrFJMZkxcUC_ytjwMcW0DoH 5xmqJgx6ozS62G1qiJ7UbTIup-M2XPURDTJDoNtmxaTrujR_2GWkqhshZjbl ybCw4JM_Sy8Rq0cEwa7lPburt5OnLVBKH-gDaXFZQ0sfKxfkr7wJUWCfwp1& amp;hl=en


plz link our blog:

My Blog

history II - the first Weekend

On the 21st and 22nd of April we first met to create an outline for the project. Bryan visited Jochen and me in Mannheim and Aleksandra joined us on skype. In two very effective days we gave our proje...
Posted by transparency for development on Sun, 20 May 2007 02:10:00 PST

history I - how everything started

In March of 2007 the three of us, Bryan Simis, Bjoern Herrmann and Jochen Wolf met Bibi Russell in Cologne at the "11th World Business Dialogue" congress. Bibi Russell talked about her development aid...
Posted by transparency for development on Sat, 19 May 2007 03:25:00 PST