Interested in PRAYING for people! Accepting of all who treat others with respect.Interested in people who are passionate about PEACE.Matthew 26:52. I enjoy discussions with people who are not motivated by their own self worth, agenda or greed.Not a fan of being religious but very willing to talk to you.Please email with prayer requests large and small. Feel free to message me when I'm online. :) Leave prayer requests and I will pray for you and or your family. Be specific and we will stand in agreement.One incident will leave you forever changed!
My Interests
Love all types.
"The race is not won by the mighty, swift or strong but to the man who can endure to the end. " from my brother's page. :)
My Blog
Why God gets a bad rap
It's Sunday and I'm sick. WARNING . I'm tired of GOD getting a bad rap for whenever things go wrong in a person's life. So often I hear that it was God's will for me to not have this relati... Posted by Nancy on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 09:38:00 PST