eLLE MeMes mORi profile picture

eLLE MeMes mORi

S O n A n d O siN R e S p i r A r . . .

About Me

You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM 's MySpace Profile Editor !I LOve WAter . . . i especially love the OCEAn & rAinY dAys in BED with the window OPen...aNd ridiNg arOund tOWn (in the RAin of COurse, but not alWAys...)On A StriKing bLAnCo y NEgrO COLOured biKe and MY BEAUtifUL VESpa)OI!PEEPS if YOU are gonna leave me some lovin' on my message board...let me know who you ARE PLEASE!
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My Interests

WITH & withOUTs??? Other people's live journals, stAyin up late watchiNg loadsa films till the Birds are CHiRping,, basically ANYTHING CELLULOID, men & women with CLEFT chin's & dimples (and constantly fantasing bout sticking my tongue in them), CELLOS (sexiest instrument ever - ViOLinS included) BRAZILIAN nutZ, cocktails, ART & PhotoGRaphy, sLEEpin, AnGeLinA JoLie "MMmm GUAPA" & ObViouslY bee stung lips, licking other people's tears (it definitely looked sexy in the spanish film 'THE TIT & THE MOON'), burstin bubble wrap,art galleries,luckies lights,CALEXICO/ IRON & WINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, GRAphology, bein BITTEN hard, molesting my mates when i get PISsed, discovering bruises frm a nite out , playin with my super 8 projector,piercings & tatts, making sure that the BLUE hair (sections of hair) doesnt turn a putrid green (well for the last 8 yrs or so), driNKing in bars & occassionally in an old style EngLish pub with old GEEZERS, nicking slices of lime & lemon out of other peeps drinks, dancing (depends who i'm with) adrenalin rides (wishin sumone could take me to a theme park everyday), collecting (& then losing them) scarves (hey, i'm from london...it's always chilly) & FEMMES, ebay. har mar superstar in the tv commercial for VLadivar VOdka (fucking hilarious!).

I'd like to meet:

font color=FF0099 someone with really cute diMpLEs, inSOMniacS welCOMED...!!! as I AM TERRIBLY PICKY!!! ...ANGELINA JOLIE (i wanna meet her again mmMMmm), OJOS de BRUjo (MMMmmm ANOTHER HUG on STAGE perhaps...heh heh), PAtriCK WAtSON (I WANT YOUR CHILDREN), bONObO, CHAmBAO, CatHErine DeNUeve, gOTAn PrOjeCt, Jacqueline Du Pre (R.I.P) , faYE dunaWAY, ScarLETT JoHANsson, SHANNYN SOSSAMON, AUDREY TAtOu (butter wouldnt mELT), THE ENTIRE CAST OF THE L WORD & BiJOU PHiLLiPS, oh AND if you sing like LEONOR WATLING although this might be a tall order (possibly, maybe...i can dream) but perhaps a seXy & passionate CELLIST, who is also hopeless romantic and lulls (optional) me to sleep at night while rubbin my belly (doesnt mean u paedophilles)...but if not... pretty much any eccentric, funny & like-minded fucker really (to put it bluntly) ; ) & I REALLY WANT SOMEONE WHO I CAN LOSE THE PLOT WITH! ! ! LOVE IT!!! BY THE WAY... i'D APPRECIATE IT IF YOU GAVE ME THE COMMON COURTESY OF SENDING ME A MESSAGE BEFORE ADDING ME... DATS IF YOU REALLY WANT TO BEFRIEND ME, CHEERS!!! ; )BTW PLEASE DON'T EVEN BOTHER MESSAGING ME IF YOU JUST WANT A GREEN CARD...LAY DOWN A LAME MARRIAGE PROPOSAL...JUST WANNA ADD ME TO YOUR BODY COUNT OF "EXOTIC/ ORIENTAL GIRLS" and ARE AN OBVIOUS RICE BASHER (for those confused or mislead individuals - i shall clarify this "TERM or SLANG" and especially for those who asked...someone who has a preference or enjoys fuckin ("LOVING, DATING or SEEING" - FUCK BEING POLITICALLY CORRECT/ PeDANTIC bollocks!) asian/ ORIENTAL WOMEN...I WILL DELETE YOUR ASS! ! ! ANOTHER THING I DON'T MAKE A HABIT OF CHATTING TO CREEPY & STRANGE MEN/ WOMEN...SO DON'T EVEN ASK ME TO ADD YOU ON MSN! ! !PEACE OUTTHAT'S ALL SHE SAID.
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any damn MUSIC really... in no particular order anything FOLKTRONICA, ELECTRO, synthpop, LO-Fi, FOLK, BJoRk, CALEXICO/ IRON & WINE, PAtriCK WAtSON, bONObO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! O j O S dE B r U j O, ChAMBAo, LHASA dE SeLA, g O t A n P r O j e C t, bEbE, T U N n G, CAT POWER,anthony & the johnsons, SIA, Joan As PoliceWoman, PAULINE EN LA PLAYA, siGUR rOs, mUm, THE ORGAN, lila downs, The BEAR Quartet, Autour De Lucie, ravi shankar, cesaria evora, buena vista social club, ELLIOTT SMITH, rAdiohEAd, aPHEx tWin, pJ hARvEy, Cocteau twins, Rokysopp, COCOROSIE, sophie zelmani,R O C K Y votalato, the WHITEST BOY ALIVe, taVETIVER, felix da housecat, KinG CrEOSoTe, RAY LAMONTAGne, MARlango,FEIST,DEVENDRA BANHART, SUfjAN STEVENS, Leonard COHEn, AiR, Rodrigo y Gabriela, ANNA TERnheiM,AMPAraNOiA, MAcacO, Amiee MANn,PARis COMbo, camaron de la isla, Depeche Mode, Neutral MiLK Hotel,KhoNNor, El Columpio Asesino, THE delays, Nicolai Dunger, the sugarcubes, goLdfRApp, PORtishEAd, LAMB, TRiCKy, joanna newsom, Jos Gonzlez, TriP-hop,defTones,peACHEs, red HOt chiLi PEPPERS,MaNtA Ray mAXWELL,beASTIE Boys,A-HA, dJ shADow/U.N.K.L.E/james lavelle, mASSive aTTAck,LAMB, Kraftwerk, miss. KittEn & the Hacker, AIM,sneaker PIMPS, DJ spinBAD,d'N'B, MALA RODRIGUEZ,CITY ROCKERS label, RAHzEL, a tRIBe caLLed QUest, de LA SOUL, futurism vol 1, dAFt PUnk, PLACEbo, THE CARDIGANS, MIRAH & THE BLACK CAT ORCHESTRA, PoSTAL SERVICE, auTeChrE, SKin/ skUnK aNANsiE, nick CAVE, cynDI LauPER, too MANY DJS, Garbage, ugLY duckling, anything on the soulwax label, MUSE, travis, coldplay, damian RICE, BiLL WIThers, jurassic 5, KEliS, FLEETWOOD MAC, BaseMENT Jaxx, ZER0 7, FC Kahuna, the carpenters, the bangles, Goldie, MADonna, mETALheADZ, RONi SIze,ALEX reECE, ltj BUkem, anything 80's,the CuRe,blondie,PLAYGROUP, THE DARKNESS, ladytron, belle and sebastian, ROOTS MANUVA, fisherSPOONer, DizZEE RasCAL, FROU frOU, THE WEEKENDS, chilly gonzales, the STrOkes, Brodsky Quartet, WHITe STRipes, YEAH yEAh YEAHS, fannyPAck, BRITNEY SPEARS, too MANY DJ's, HAR mar SUPERstar, MIKABOMB, elaSTICA, SALAD (the song 'YOUR MA' is a TUNE!!!), whALE, weeZer, SOUNDgardeN, livE, EbtG,AmELiE ost , dJ YODA, Q-BERT, beth Orton, all quentin tarentino's soundtracks, audiobullys, badly dRaWn BOY, milla JOVOvich, SUN KIL MOON, Relaxed Muscle, dat track of primal scream featuring KATE MOSS in their video & of course my mate VIKTOR & the LOST in TRanSLATION soundtrack, MORE RECENTLY RACHAEL YAMAGATA & loads more
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everything w/ ANGELINA JOLIE,AUDREY HEPBURN CATHERINE DENEUVE, PETER SELLERS, milla jovovich,shannyn sossamon,drew barrymore, ScarLETT JoHANsson, brittany murphy, EMMA SUAREZ, GaEL GaRCia BERNal,vincent CASsel,monica BeLLucci , WRitten & directed by LUIS BuñuEL, Jean-Pierre JENuet & marc CARo,JuLIO MeDem,pedro ALMODovar,da COEns, quentin tarentino, John HuGHes,david LYNch,wim wenders,terry gilliam, Bernado Bertolucci, robert RodRIGuez,tim BURTon,Wong KAR Wai,Vincent GaLLo,luc BeSSon,Sam RAmi,cameron CROWE,T SoLONdz,SpiKE JoNZe,Beat KiTAno,Fuji KiNJi,Larry CLArk, abel ferreRA, PETER GREENaWAY, woodY aLLen, GASPar Noé, sam mendes,Wes AndERson, Roman Polanski, darren aronofsky, julian schnabel, sofia coppoLA, david fincher, greg ARAKI, FranCOIS OZon, Lars von Trier, VIDEO PROMO directors JoNAS akERLunD, cHRis CUNNingHAM & MikE miLLS,MichEL GoNdry,the ring series,all BRat pack films,A HITCHCOCK, FREAKS, Un ChiEN Andalou (1928) , Der Himmel über Berlin (wings of desire), the MISFITS, THE Seven YEAR Itch,GENTLEmen Prefer BLONDES, Some Like IT HOT, BreakFAST @ TiFFany's, ME & EVERYONE WE KNOW, How to MaRRy a MiLLionaire, GooNIES,sPun,AMELIE, delicatessen, before night falls, NIKITA, RomaN HoLiDAy, A LiTTLe RoManCe (diane LAne) , PARIS TEXAS, mY own PRIVATE IdaHO, puMp up The VOLUME, hEAthers, donnie darko, CharLie & the CHOCOLate fACTory, imagine ME & YOU, Nightmare Before Christmas, PiRAtes of the CARribean, battle royale, drunk punch love, CRUEL INTENTIONS, irreVERSiBLE, LA HAINE, GO, tetsuo:the iron man, all ANiME, hiGH fiDElity, STEALinG BEAuty, mifune, the PILLOW BOOK, a bOUT de SOuFFLE, seCRETary,seX & LUCIA, VACAS, THE RED SQUIRREL, MYSTERY TRAIN,ma vie en ROSE, beLLeViLLe renDeVOUs, FLashDanCE, FAme, GreasE, ZanADU, midnight COWBOY, NecROmAntik, SITCOM, footlOOse, das kabinett des dOKtor CALigari, GHOStBusters, shadow of the vampire, Ed Wood, nosferatu, four rooms,BELLE du JOUR, les parapluies de cherbourg, REPULSION (1965),wEirdScience,amoresPerros, SLEEPY hoLLow, y Tu Mama tambien, say anything, the sure thing, SUSPIRIA, Il Fantasma Dell´Opera, Adventures Of Baron Munchausen, Lola rennt, Anatomie, Everyone Says I Love You, the rules of attraction, lost IN TRANsLAtion, THE TIT & THE MOON, like water for chocolate, dorothy parker & the vicious circle, HIGH aRT, all over me, doom generation,BRAZIL, SpiriTEd aWAy, Manhattan Murder Mystery, Eat Drink Man Woman, the Ice storm, erASerHead, THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW, ZU warriors, A chinese GHOST STORY, DesperATely SEEKING SusAN, a clockwork orange, SCANNers, MARTIN, city of GOD,Hedwig And The Angry Inch, three colours WHITE, Jean De Florette, Manon Des Sources, pecker, BOUND, La Belle Noiseuse, Les Amants Du Pont-Neuf, PERFECT BLUE, weLcome 2 the DOLL HSE, hAPPINESS, kids, gummo, the gods must be crazy, Seul contre tous, CARne, chasing aMY, craZY/BEAUtiful, THE HUNGER (le predateurs), SAVAge NighTS (Cyril Collard), THE MILLION DOLLAR HOTEL, THE CHAMP (1979), bonniE & CLyDE (1967), dazed & confuSED, SLACKERS, WITHNAIL & I, L'appartement, doberman, BASQUIAT, being JOHN maLKOviCH, downTOWN 81, buffalo 66, bring IT on,BULLet BALLET, teenWOLF, almost FAMOUS, the soUNd of MUSIC, DummY, BACK TO THE FUTURE trilogy, there's a GIRL in my SOUP, Eyes of Laura Mars, BEETLEJuiCE, Edward Scissorhands, the ThomaS cRown affair (1967/ 99), Dr T & women, one night @ McCOOLS,last but not least fuckin KILL BILL biatches & loads more (pretty much every film classed AS WOrLD ciNEma)


if i eVer get the ChanCE... i'LL LoOk out for the FollOwiNg sHOws...THE L WORD, The LeaGuE of GEntlemen, faWLTY toWERS, THE GOOD LIFE (UK), blackADDER, GAME ON (when ben chaplin was in it), DAISY DAISY (fuckin hilarious brit biatch),RAnMA 1/2,TWIn pEAks,C.S.I, couplings (uk), gimme gimme gimme, KiNg of the HILL, THE SECRET LIFE OF US, abSOLUTELY fabULOUS, family guy, the PJs, THE L WORD, BOB & MARGARET, stressed ERIC, only FOOLs & HOrseS, ren & stiMPY, chEErs,FRasier,SPACED, BO' SELECTA, SMACK THE PONY, GALAXY HIGH (anyone remember dis cartOOn, why dont they do re-RUNS???), THE O.C, mAlcoLm in the MIddLe, ATTAchmEnts, REd dWArf, THE L WORD, agatha chrISTie's POIROT, kATe & ALLie, nevermind the buzzcocks, THE KINGDOM (danish series), TEACHERS, A diFFErent WorLD w/ L bonet, dead like me, CHArmED, BUFFY the VAMPIRE SlayER, hey arnold, Adam & JOE, angela anaconda, cagney & lacey, & recently THE SIMPLE LIFE & did I MENTION THE L WORD!!!!


from To kiLL a MoCKIng Bird, THE STORY OF THE EYE (1928), Las Edades De Lulu (The Ages Of Lulu), Das Parfum (Perfume: The Story of a Murderer), the secret diary of laura palmer,frida kahlo diary,The Bell JAR, THE CURIOUS INCIDENT OF THE DOG IN THE NIGHT, The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories, fear & loathing in las vegas, THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP, Wide Sargasso Sea ,goodbye to berlin to The harry potter series, LOLITA, john steinbeck, Chuck Palahniuk, lemony snickett 's SERIES OF unfortunate events & ANYTHING ART RELATED & pretty much whatever's lying around of any interest...


from the top Of My HEAD...i admire the following people...ANGELINA JOLIE, Bj0rk, Joseph Niepce & Louis Daguerre, Louise Bourgeois salvador dali, GEORGE BATAILLE, francis bacon, Joseph Beuys, egon schiele, Georgia O'Keeffe, Juergen Teller, Jean-Michel Basquiat, anish kapoor, sam taylor-wood, Lucio Fontana, Cornelia Parker, Nan Goldin, Jane and Louise Wilson, corrine day,cindy sherman, gillian wearing, frida kahlo, christopher doyle, bill viola, pablo picasso, andy warhol, quentin tarentino, spike jonze, jake & dinos chapman, man ray, bruce nauman,URiedOg 316 and loads more peeps etc.

My Blog

who DA hell am i

Posted by eLLE MeMes mORi on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 03:09:00 PST

I LOVE P A N D O R A. COM ! ! !

FUCK ITUNES this IS FUCKIN HARDCORE....YOU GET ME!!! WHOEVer inVENted this WEbSitE...i WANnA SAy ONE thing...WILL YOU MARRY MEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh...YOUR A FUCkin GEniUS!!! &n...
Posted by eLLE MeMes mORi on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 12:59:00 PST


HowManyOfMe.com There are:0people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?...
Posted by eLLE MeMes mORi on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 08:33:00 PST

inner me

    http://www.quizilla.com/images/blue_drk_corner1. gif" style="float: left" height="4" hspace="0" />  http://www.quizilla.com/images/blue_drk_corner2. gif" style="float: righ...
Posted by eLLE MeMes mORi on Fri, 05 May 2006 05:26:00 PST


http://images.quizilla.com/J/Jai16/1099786774_radiction2.jpg " border="0" alt="Contradiction">F:Your Beauty liesin Contradiction. Controversial, unpredictable, andnever what anyone expects.You appearan...
Posted by eLLE MeMes mORi on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 12:22:00 PST


bejesus, im not used to dis instant message thing...im such a cowardly custard...
Posted by eLLE MeMes mORi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

wanna be in my gang...

so i had another cleanout... i can't be bothered with hanger-ons and peeps who just wanna a bodycount! ! ! ...
Posted by eLLE MeMes mORi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

SO this IS what I'm ABOUT!!!

Your Birthdate: April 23 With a birthday on the 23rd of the month (5 energy) you are inclined to work well with people and enjoy them.You are talented and versatile, very good at presenting ide...
Posted by eLLE MeMes mORi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i'll be your slave...i ain't jestin!!!

hey guys, im in need of your help...ok here it is - I NEED A WORK PLACEMENT/ INTERNSHIP after the summer HOLS for 5 WEEKS, i need to know BY SEPTEMBER. anyway, i can go anywhere in the world...IF YOU ...
Posted by eLLE MeMes mORi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

completely fucked off...

basically just read an email from my course director - as i f i havnt already got shit loads of deadlines n fuckin essays....she's added another essay...my punishment for playing hooky...i don't suppo...
Posted by eLLE MeMes mORi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST