I love: Maya Deren,Marlene Dietrich,Serial killers,music,languages, photography, Foreign Cinema1920's - 1950's,litterature(french 1800...)Theatre, Austin Osman Spare and Chaos Magic,Aubrey Bearsdley's illustrations,perversions..criminology,murder,the nether neither,painting...automatic writig.. Les fleures du mal..the sea,get lost in translation,my friends(sardinia mafia girls) Jack Daniels,the black duck in my bath!!!!!!
dealers of any kinds............
Pj Harvey Misfits Blonderedhead Slayer DresdenDolls Melvins BloodIsandRaiders Portishead BurninWitches Disharitmia UNSANE Cccp Marlene Kuntz Fattore Arancio Massive Attack siouxienthebansheet Joy Division The Cure Meshuggah Metallica Tricky Einsturzende Neubauten Neurosis Jarboe Diamanda Galas Lydia Lunch MAB Rob Zombie David Bowie Sunn0)) Swans Isis Coil Funereal Moon Wounded Nurse Throbbling Griestle
..i love Ingmar Bermang... t David Lynch.... Akira Kurosawa... old italians horror films mostly Dario Argento (only the first stuff..i dont know what happen to him but lately it sucks a bit...) Peter Greenaway(Pillow book,The cook,the thif,the wife and her lover,Drowing by numbers,Zoo) Stanly Kubric(the Shinning is my fav) master PP Pasolini, Roman Polansky(The Tennant,The death n the maiden,Rosemary's baby)some Tim Burton. Alejandro Jodorowsky(El topo,The Holy mauntain,Santasangre) Luis Bunuel, Kenneth Anger(i love them all but my favorite always gonna be INNAGURATION OF THE PLEASURE DOME) Maya Deren, anything with David Bowie, Stan Brachage experimants in color, Russ Mayer freaky korean stuff such as The Audition Ichi The killer Tetsuo n i also like costume film...from Merchant Ivroy....coz am a sad little romantic girl..............
Alesandro Baricco,Patricia Cornwell.... Marquise de Sade,Almost Blue, Murakami,Baudelaire,Maupassant,Poe,Emily Dickinson,Henry Miller,AnaisNin,l'histoire d'O,A.CROWLEY,LEWIS.Carroll,IsabellaSantacroce.ducassy.