mahab profile picture


Give me all your marzipan!

About Me

Snob, Elitist, Oxymoron,cynical-optimist, can talk to anyone but would rather not. Loyal to those that matter. Smile a lot. a boy . Love people who enjoy being alive. Sexual. Moral. Easily bored, have the attention span of 2 year old, have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. Very Bad with money, Obsessive and completely Unrealistic.....

My Interests

PLeasure, Costume Making, Make-up, Sex, deconstructed dance, Styling, Gigs, Travelling, Second Hand and Charity Shops, satisfaction American South,Cindy Sherman, Jenny Savill, Cleopatra, CAZZO PORN, Religions, movement, Psychological Disorders, People Watching, French Literature (Baudelaire, Mirimbeau, Sartre, De Beauvoire)Discovering new things, Mentors, Advertising and Subversion, Languages, Cats, Big Dogs, Photography, Foreign Cinema, 1920's - 1950's, Austin Osman Spare, Chaos Magic, Absurd, Static Trapeze and Corde Lisse, Shaved heads and Millinary, True Friendship, T-bar Heels, self analysis, Jack Boots,gnosticism, Braces,the art of documenting the banal, White Trash, Couture One- Offs, mythology, hierarchy, the masculine, Pink Lemonade, imaginary boundaries, alternative realities and watching LIARS fall apart.

I'd like to meet:

Playthings, intellectuals, and believers in spaces the body cant touch...but most importantly Eccentric Geriatrics, I prefer old people's chatter to young people's delusions...too many of my own.Unless ur good at storytelling in which case, the fresh lemonade is iced and my ears are in the post...!and the human embodiment of pomelo


Post Punk, Rockabilly, Swing, No Wave, Goth, Noise, Hard Core, Psychobilly, Horrorpunk, Surf, Blues, unusual World Music Crass, Poison Girls, Batfish Boys, Coil, Lydia Lunch, Cramps, Diamanda Galas, Anthony and the Johnsons, Einsturzende Neubauten, Boys Rice, Michael Gira, The Boys Next Door, The Birthday Party, Anita Lane, Red Zebra, Circus Mort, Devo, Dolly Parton, Big Black, Edith Piaf, The Vanishing, Clair Obscur, Die Form, Lard, Dead Kennedys,Reverend Horton Heat, Misfits, Ramones, Melt Banana, The Locust, Penis Flytrap, Phantom Limbs, Norma Loy, Rudimentary Peni, Skeletal Family, Sixteens, Serge Gainsbourg, The Stalin, Tiger Lillies, Women of the SS, Virgin Prunes, kukl, Nina Simone, Mira Calix, Oum Koulthoum, Wanda Jackson, Kate Bush, Josie Kreuzer, Gene Vincent, Dead Bolt, Charlie Feathers, Charles Aznavour, The Tombstone Brawlers, Suicide, Siglo Xx, Tiger Army, Alien Skull Paint, Shirley Bassey, Mad sin, Nina Hagen, Grace Jones, Stray Cats, Foetus, Wise Blood, Marlene Dietrich, and the list goes on...


Amoldovar, Gaspar Noe, Russ Meyer, Derek Jarman, Monty Python, Paolo Pasolini, Wong kar wai, John Waters, Film Noir, Kurasawa, Little Shop of Horrors,Hearts and minds-peter davis, Taxi Driver, Gummo, Withnail and I, el toppo, Lolita, Quills, Delicatessen, Nowhere, Happiness, Ken Park, Peeping Tom, Midnight Cowboy, Secretary,3 iron, Girl on the bridge, le mepris, Last Tango in Paris, Reservoir Dogs, Amores Perros,santa sangre, Persona, Adua e Le Compagne, Baise Moi, 8 1/2 Women, City of Lost Children, Night Porter, Pi, Clockwork Orange, Moulin Rouge, Blade Runner,Videodrome, Realm of the Senses, The Shining, One Flew Over the Cucko's Nest, Leon, Boys Don't Cry, Grease,cat on a hot tin roof, Some Like It Hot, The Usual Suspects, Metropolis, Brazil, Twelve Monkeys, Les Invasions Barbares, Memento, Who's affraid of virginia wolf, House of a Thousand Corpses, The Elephant Man, Pink Flamingoes, dodgy Hammer Horror and zombie movies, you get the idea, ill update it when I am not having such a mind block....FOreign cinema is my favorite but too many to list(invisible eye and pathe release most of them)


Documentaries and news reports to access the imaginary filth second hand...oh and cooking programs.


Don Bajema, Simone De Beauvoire, Jean Paul Sartre, Baudelaire, Henry Miller, Pat Califia, Douglas Coupland, Austim Osman Spare, Antonin Artaud, Noam Chomsky, Biba Kopf, JJ Ballard, Susan Sontag, William Burroughs, Charles Bukowski, George Orwell, Tennesee Williams, Virginia Wolf, Henry Miller, Georges Bataille,Roland Barthes, Hakim Bey, Phil Hine, Jean Baudrillard, some Soren Kierkegaard, Michael Bakunin, Michel Foucault, Robert Anton Wilson...



My Blog

dinner for more

baby blue and flashy rings, am still the girl in the dead dress. tossing turning ripping sings, i whale my chorus into nests of dribling address. play my mountain sorrow, holer into echo co co co .lll...
Posted by mahab on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 08:42:00 PST

spare a little ...

pauvre pitie les mots qui ne s'echangent jamaispauvre pitie les expression, inutiles, vite vite elles se sont pas appercuespauvre pitie, le mal a l'estomach= cest malnurition par exprede concepts sach...
Posted by mahab on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 05:15:00 PST

we are only martyrs by choice

glistening strangers face together the fates their mothers and father spungiddy guardians push united lifting madness from their eyesthe magician cackles visions from invible corners drenching the lin...
Posted by mahab on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 12:17:00 PST

why my feet dont hurt after three months of walking

Remember the creeping knocked glass alarm clock, twisting shapes across soft linen heated by morning breath. The shrub that grew into the morning we said goodbye, now, towers bridges across continents...
Posted by mahab on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 03:14:00 PST


verisimilitude  noun [U] FORMALthe quality of seeming true or of having the appearance of reality:...
Posted by mahab on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 04:12:00 PST

i feel delirious

god damm those walks home, i am possessed again
Posted by mahab on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 08:41:00 PST

petrified pose in shadowy armour

plaYing disintegrate the story into a macrocosm of electrifying intent. Playing disinTegrate the theory into a vision of blury delight. playing peel the miror iNto layers of familiar skin playing pl...
Posted by mahab on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 04:27:00 PST

another soppy contract

to those i hold dear,   Respect, awe and admiration Mahab
Posted by mahab on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 08:26:00 PST

Fairuz- a'tini al nay (lyrics)

Give me the flute, and sing immortality lies in a song and even after we've perished the flute continues to lament have you taken refuge in the woods away from places like me followed streams on their...
Posted by mahab on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 04:14:00 PST

Ragged dolls bursting at the seams

Shivers. Into the void. Law has no bearing, when the noose has killed the wrong man. shivers...
Posted by mahab on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 06:27:00 PST