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...MiSS YoU DaD.... I KnEw U. U DiDn'T LeT EvErYoNe KnOw ThE ThiNgS You'rE FeeLiNg. YoU DiDn'T FeeL YoU Had To TalK a Lot To Be HeArD. YoU SoMeTiMes LiKeD tO KeeP ThiNgS To YoUrSeLf. BuT U NeVeR FooLeD Me EvEn OnCe. EvEn ThOuGh We HaRdLy EvEr TaLkEd AbOuT FeeLiNgS In So MaNy WoRdS. I AlWayS KnEw HoW MuCh U CaReD. I kNeW It In a MiLLiOn WaYs, by a MiLLioN AnD OnE LiTTlE ThiNgS U DiD To LeT iT ShOw. AnD SoMeHoW I'vE AlWaYs KnOwN ThAt beNeAth ThAt toUgH ExTeRiOr WaS thE MoSt SpEcIaL, LoViNg, AnD CaRiNg FaThEr In ThE WoRlD. So ThAnKs fOr BeInG ThE WaY U ArE.. YoU'LL neVeR KnOw HoW MuCh It MeAnT To HaVe A FaThEr LiKe U. And EvEn ThoUgH We DoN'T oFteN TaLk AbOuT fEELinGs In So ManY WoRdS, I LoVe YoU, Too.. I AlWaYs WiLL.. MiSS U DaD.. RIP


