*~*!Tz m!sS AsHlEe iF YoOh NaStEe*~*(A.O.B) profile picture

*~*!Tz m!sS AsHlEe iF YoOh NaStEe*~*(A.O.B)

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

ThA NaMeZ AsHlEe...JuS GrAdUaTeD FrOm HiGhSkOoL...So i GuEsS YoOh CaN SaY iM NeW To ThA GaMe...iM GoInG To CiTy CoLLeGe MaJoRiNg iN CoSmEtOlOgY...n i WoRk At ChArLoTTe RuSsE...i LuV KiCkIn iT WiF My LiTtLe SiStUr/BeStFrIeNd/WiFe...AlWaYz LoOkIn OuT FoR Me...ShEz ♥LARIESHA♥GoTtA LuV HeR FoR iT...i FoUnD ThE "MR"...HiS NaMe iS DeMeTrIuS...n i LuV HiM SoOo MuCh...HeS PrEtTy MuCh MaH BeStFrIeNd...hE'll Do NE ThInG FoR Me...aNd iS AlWaYs ThErE FoR Me...(aLwAyS)sO FeLLaZ DoNt FeEl ThA NeEd To GiG oN MySpAcE...i HaV PlEnTy Of HaTeRz BeCaUsE iM Me...DuH♥♥DeMeTrIuS ♥WiFe ♥GeOrGeE PoO PoO HeAd ♥SmAsH BoYz ♥JALISA ♥KYLIE ♥JoHn ♥AlOnZo ♥MARCUS ♥DEANNA ♥MICHELLE ♥ASHLEY O ♥THE UNTOUCHABLEZ ♥Me LuV U LoNg TiMe♥

My Blog

WaT To Do iN A SiTuAtIoN LiKe ThIs

"We Ride"Ride when we ride we rideIt's til the day we dieWhen we ride we rideIt's til the day we dieIt's real lateBout a quater to 1Thinkin about everythangWe becomeAnd i hate itI thought we could mak...
Posted by *~*!Tz m!sS AsHlEe iF YoOh NaStEe*~*(A.O.B) on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 07:48:00 PST

My PoEm

i LuV ThE WaY Ur SaNdY BlOnDe HaIr FlOaTz iN ThE AiR,To Me iTz LiKe A LuLaBy,iM JuS FlYiNg ByOh SoO HiGhLiKe A KiTeTiDe To A StIcK........................................KiP...
Posted by *~*!Tz m!sS AsHlEe iF YoOh NaStEe*~*(A.O.B) on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 10:16:00 PST


As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll bre...
Posted by *~*!Tz m!sS AsHlEe iF YoOh NaStEe*~*(A.O.B) on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 10:13:00 PST

i WiSh a NiGgUh KnEw...

50 Things Girls Wish Guys Knew... 1. Don't tell us when you think other girls are hot.2. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.3. If you don't act like soap-ope...
Posted by *~*!Tz m!sS AsHlEe iF YoOh NaStEe*~*(A.O.B) on Sun, 11 Sep 2005 12:04:00 PST

nEvEr AgAiN

HeRe i Am BaCk WhErE i STaRtEd...ItZ SeEmZ tHaT EvErY tImE i lEt MySeLf FaLL DeEp, FaLL HaRd, iT SeEmZ EvErYtImE i GiVe iT MaH ALL, i TuRn aRoUnD OnLy To GeT SlApPeD In ThE FaCe WiTh ReJeCtIon. T...
Posted by *~*!Tz m!sS AsHlEe iF YoOh NaStEe*~*(A.O.B) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST