San Diego State University Cal Theta San Diego State
Somewhere between the immaturity of early adolescence and the dignity of full manhood, we find a creature known as the ΣAE. The ΣAE is found everywhere: on campus and off, on the floor, at Ruloff's, sleeping on the Quad, taking an abnormally long study br eak at the Straight, or even on Libe Slope under an avalanche of work. An ΣAE is Truth with lipstick on his collar; Beauty adulterated only by a tee shirt and jeans; Wisdom with a beer in his hand; Anticipation with a date on his arm. He likes sports, cars, beer, wings, soft beds, late classes, warm companionship, and late hours. In the ΣAE house is a conglomeration of all sorts of characters... politicians, scholars, jocks, ex-jocks, workers, slackers,stoners and face-men. Nobody gets as much fun out of a joke or a TV show. Nobody else can sleep as much, eat as much, drink as much, cram as much, date as much and enjoy life as much. Mothers love him, fathers finance him, other guys envy him, and Heaven protects him. The ΣAE can excel on the intramural field with good sportsmanship or he can accept the Interfraternity Council Outstanding Chapter award with great pride. He can be concerned or indifferent. He can make you laugh, he can be serious, or he can be irresponsible, but no matter what his moods, his intentions, or his actions, he is always your true friend.