Only2E profile picture


Life is all about ass;You’re either covering it,Laughing it off,Kicking it,Kissing it,Trying to ge

About Me

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Fuck me, Fuck you
Name: Jason Toohey.
I goto San Diego State, and im from Orange County...
An event that has shaped my life filled with excitement and new meaning, once was terrifiying...I was driving to work and i hydro-planed my car into a tree and was in a coma for weeks...
Semi-normal now, I cherish every moment for what its worth, and of course act with human nature...
I beleive life is a repetitious circle, continuously changing, yet our actions and reactions remain almost constant...
Experience is beautiful, as well as those who share experiences with you...
The price of the experience is tangible, whereas the intangible assests are the memories made with those who you share experiencs...
Conclusions to what my times tell me are: $$$, Chicks, Friends and Family are all thats important...

My Interests



Layout made by indira.milovic


The DaVinci Code, On the Road, Fear and lothing in Las Vegas, Startup Nation, Who moved my cheese?, Scarecrow, He's just not that into you,

My Blog

Great Movie Quotes

  GrEAt MoViE QuOtES! Ma!!! The Meatloaf!!-WEDDING CRASHERSJust when I thought you couldnt get any stupider.. You go and pull a stunt like this.. And totally redeem yourself!-DUMB & DUMB...
Posted by ♠2E® wants Fun Stuff! on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 12:53:00 PST