Timoteo Stuntman profile picture

Timoteo Stuntman

....IM me@ MARTIN312DEE

About Me

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Create Your Own!.. width="425" height="350" ....LIFE'S A BEACH!! You want to know about me?? You will have to try and keep up because I'm hard to catch. What that means is im not like any other person. I'm out there which means im gone. I'm always doing somthing to entertain myself. Whether its doing stupid things or doing more stupid things. Ya It may seem stupid but these stupid things I do are a Key element to my career! I must try everything once and never give up. I will do whatever it takes to Win. Im into competition and have NO FEAR. I'm confident, very romantic with the women!! lol well sometimes. Movie Stunts!!! YESS I want to do this for the rest of my life... Coordinate and Do the Stunts... Whether it's falling from a 100 foot building or from a 40 foot ladder. I Fall down stairs, get kicked in the mouth, and love every second. I like pain but not just in one area must have many places where im hurting. Maybe someday I will meet my dream WOMAN to give me a massage! tough luck timmy! lol 3rd person. OK I will be a great contestent for Fear Factor... STUNTS,STUNTS,STUNTS... I will be anywhere im called to do this.. RIGHT now I work with my PoPs Plastering...School @ College of Dupage, Train@ Team Torro in Burr Ridge... So if anyone out there needs to know how to kick some butt i'll give you some pointers! I'm Not shy.. being a Director entails this quality... Very OUTGOING!!! always having fun Jesus and FAMILY COMES 1st to me...

My Interests

Im always looking for an actress!! I Perform Movie Stunts, Acting, Ice hockey, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Directing, Off roading, Snowboarding, Wakeboarding, anything extreme!!!!!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

All kinds of film makers, actors, actresses, stuntmen/women, musicians, models(female), agents, etc.Anyone who puts others before themselves!!


Anything really depends on my mood. Whatever of rhythm I have inside me and want to let it out.I have a whole lot of releasin to do.


Dumb and Dumber my fav... Comedy, Action, Horror, Suspense!!! Alfred Hitchcock movies are inspiring to me. My fav actor is Jim Carrey, Sean William Scott, Bruce Willis and Ashton. I like all Actresses!


Ice Hockey #1..CSI.. Ultimate Fighter.. Comedy Centeral.. Music Video's.. MXP.. Family Guy.. That 70's show, and Fight Science on the History channel


The Bible is a great book.. Screen writing books, snow and wake boarding magz..


My Pastor Bruce Spearling who died trying to save a drowning Kyaker and His Brother in the Des Planes river.

My Blog

My Ethnicity

Yes,  I'm Irish...Dutch....Welch... Spanish...Myan... French...French Canadian... an all around Euro MUT!!  Oh ya and YAKI...
Posted by Timmy on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 11:24:00 PST