Im always looking for an actress!! I Perform Movie Stunts, Acting, Ice hockey, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Directing, Off roading, Snowboarding, Wakeboarding, anything extreme!!!!!!!!!
All kinds of film makers, actors, actresses, stuntmen/women, musicians, models(female), agents, etc.Anyone who puts others before themselves!!
Anything really depends on my mood. Whatever of rhythm I have inside me and want to let it out.I have a whole lot of releasin to do.
Dumb and Dumber my fav... Comedy, Action, Horror, Suspense!!! Alfred Hitchcock movies are inspiring to me. My fav actor is Jim Carrey, Sean William Scott, Bruce Willis and Ashton. I like all Actresses!
Ice Hockey #1..CSI.. Ultimate Fighter.. Comedy Centeral.. Music Video's.. MXP.. Family Guy.. That 70's show, and Fight Science on the History channel
The Bible is a great book.. Screen writing books, snow and wake boarding magz..
My Pastor Bruce Spearling who died trying to save a drowning Kyaker and His Brother in the Des Planes river.