Video games, Reading, Martial arts, Film(watching), stuff like that.
Off the top of my head in no particular order: Gorillaz, System of a Down, Nirvana, Rage against the Machine, Fatboy Slim, Chemical Brothers, Bob Marley, Old Rolling Stones, Zepplin, Blur, Radiohead, Pinback, Death from Above 1979, Coldplay, Hendrix, The entire Garden State soundtrack, Beastie Boys. Yeah.
Random order: Lord of the Rings(all three), The Crow, Collateral, Unleashed, Ong Bak, Shaolin Soccer, Kung Fu Hustle, Star Wars(Yeah, I know), Anything by Kevin Smith, Anything by Wes Anderson, Garden State, Lost in Translation, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Well. Pretty much shit that makes you think, combined with shit where people get kicked in the face a lot. Am I complicated? Not so much.
Fucking LOST, man. Futurama, The Simpsons, pretty much everything on Adult Swim, Justice League Unlimited, I was a big Buffy/Angel freak, X-Files, uh. Yeah.
Hmm. I read Tolkien and C.S. Lewis when I was very young, and those series are still very important to me. Yes, I've heard about the religious undertones in the Narnia stuff, but to be honest, I really never noticed. I'm not very bright, thankfully. Pretty much all my reading is based off of those two series, then I threw sci-fi in when I was about 8 or so. I'll read anything people recommend to me, though. I love to read. I'm all about the escapism, yo.
Bruce Lee and Brandon Lee. Totally. I've never been much on heroes or anything like that, but those two are the closest people to it.I mean, there's plenty of people I would have heterosexual buttsex with, but I wouldn't really call them 'heroes' per se. More 'People that I would have heterosexual buttsex with.'Luckily, I don't see that category here. Nice. No one must know that I would have sex with Jet Li in an uncomfortable place.Wait, fuck.