~*thE iLLeSt iNDIVIdUAL......Under cOnsTRUcTioN!!* profile picture

~*thE iLLeSt iNDIVIdUAL......Under cOnsTRUcTioN!!*

Live. Love. Laugh._walk a day in my shoes and then u can judge ME!!!

About Me

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About ME!!!!

SO HEre We Are....The PArt WHEre U Get a Little InsigHT abouT whO i am.... I GuEss we'LL sTArt WIth The basiCs: *NAme: IndiA* *BirtHday: JulY 12,1988* *HomEtown: The EviL StreeTs of TTown* *CurrentLy: In ColLEGe..BowIE StAte..loviNg to haTe iT!!!* *StatUs: TAken and HOpInG im Done SearChiNG!!♥* I dont HAve tHAt manY people That i conSider Friends..but the Ones That i do Have I LOVE theM to DeatH.... I Thank U guYs for EverythIng....For dealIng with my Ups and Downs and My EXTREME MoodSwiNGz...U dont know HOw muCh I apperciate and Thank U all FOr THAT& Hearts;!!! I lOVe MY FaMILY.....OMG!!!! THey Are Crazy, Wild, Annoying, Loud, Overprotective, HiliariOus, Dysfunctional...and I wouldnt trade theM FOr The wORLd!!!! ThanK u for The Long talks, THe beatinGS, The Love, The MONey$,everything that U guys Are...I wouldnt have made it tHIS FAR...I LOVE U!!!! I guess Thats about it....KEep LiviNg For LaughTEr,LauGhiNg for LOve, and LOviNG aGainsT all ODds!!!!

ThINgS i couLDnt ImAgiNe lIvINg WiThouT!!
FamIlY, FriEnds, CelL PhONe, LiP gLOSS, MoNEy$$$$, SillY NIckNaMEs, InSidE JoKes, OutsiDe JoKes, The TiMEs Where U juSt had To Be There!, BoYZ, Small DoGGiEs, GlamOur DAYS, PRoMS, BirtHDaYs, WedDiNGs,sHopPiNG, MagaZiNes, MuSic,DesiGnEr SunGlasSes, SuNGlAssEs, SuMMEr tiMe!!!, baThing SuiTs, VesTs, SkINNy JeanS, SneakErs, Heels, AiM

ThINGs I CanT StAnD!!!
BoYs(soMetImes), UGly PeoPLe, Liars, HAters, PoSers, LoserS, StupId PeoPLe, StUpid quEstIoNS, NoN_sEnSe, SchOOl, BusEs!!! FriendsTo add the picture of your friend, replace the http://i18....with the picture URL your friend.

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Anything that can make me Laugh , and I LOVE ♥ scary movies Blood and Everything! Fav movies would have to be Finding Nemo, The Sixth sense, Napolean Dynamite, Love [♥] and Basketball.