I was born in berne, switzerland in 1980. I started playing the guitar at age 6. I`ve been working as a musician and composer for nearly 10 years and I`ve been blessed to play concerts all over the world (New York, Paris, London, Buenos Aires, Rom, Milan, Bogota, Philadelphia, Haiti, Teheran, Islamabad, Dublin, Berlin, Zurich, Warsaw, Hanover, La Paz......and many more), and work with some of my favourite musicians such as Steve Lacy (rest in peace), Jonas Csloviejek, Tobias Schramm, CryCoolLou, Marc Ribot, Sergej Newski, Amos Corny, Simon G, Chico Freeman, the original fatgang and many others. My main influence maybe Thelonious Monk. I`ve been listening to him for many days, many nights.....and I`m still with him. For the moment I`m arranging for my new album (a tribute to Duke Ellington) with my band "Roman Nowka`s Hot 3" and I`m recording my solo album "Cool Roman Vol. 1". Cool Roman s coming soon....