Alright, well, I like a lot of stuff. First of all, I love learning things: Computer programs, programing languages, spoken languages and anything else that is interesting. I also like hearing different theorys, scientific or spiritual, whether i believe them or not. And on a lighter note. . . .
Video games! . . .
Guilty Gear!
Any game with Vega
Also I will play Virtua fighter, Smash bros, Halo & Halo 2, some rpgs, puzzle games (like puzzle fighter or something of the like) and Mr. Misquito!
Anyone thats not gonna piss me off..
Tool, Mindless self indulgence, Cartigans, Jack off Jill, Gackt,(You prolly dont know who gackt is, so let me help you out with that one. Cause you need to know) .. Pierrot, (you should know them too) ..Mudvayne, Incubus, Ol' dirty bastard, Extended f@mm, and many others.
FIGHT CLUB, snatch, KILL BILL,nightmare before christmas, office space, strangeland, identity,requiem for a dream, star wars, battle royal, shaolin soccer, hannibal, spirited away, and some others that i cant recall.
Daily show, some adult swim shows, and a few other animated series'. I'm not a big TV guy.
Jhonen Vasquez comics, How to speak japanese books, Metaphysical Studies type of books, and any book that teaches you something. Last read, "Memoirs of a geisha".
Hmm, nobody has ever really saved me or anything like that. . . so i guess i will say. . .Maynard and Bill Hicks for saving me from my ingnorance to the way the world actually is.