javier profile picture


You be who with what and where?

About Me

Hello to all that grace my profile!!!! My name is Javier and I’m Australian but obviously (the name is a dead give away aint it!) my parents are not. My background is South American, Uruguayan to be exact, (small country in between Argentina and Brazil) and to muddy the waters even more I live in New York but grew up in Sydney. Well for the moment anyway. I work in nightclubs and I do corporate and private events. I’ve worked in film and fashion but for anyone that has ever worked in either understands the need of other industries to pay the bills. I consider myself off center and I love it!! So as you have gathered I have many curiosities and have a broad range of interests, what can I say I get bored easy. A.D.D? I think I had A.D.D before it was popular. I consider myself a renaissance man so I like a bit of everything. I’m a walking contradiction i.e. I don’t like most people but I do enjoy socializing and I can watch things from American Chopper to fashion TV and the history channel to Jackass. I’m not racist, I have an equal distaste for my fellow man regardless of color, creed, religious beliefs or who you take to bed. I believe in equal opportunity, everyone has and equal opportunity to both piss me off and be pissed off by me. If you don’t like it well then u can just bugger off!!!!!! HA HA.

My Interests

My interests are film, fashion, music, computers, video games, sports, reading, history, politics, partying, girls and just generally getting up to mischief. The order changes on a daily bases. Bit of a weird mix there huh?

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interesting, cool and others that dont take themselves very seriously.


Love house, rock, old school hip hop and rnb, jazz, classical and latin music.eg. coldplay, u2, fionna apple, red hot chilly peppers, foo fighter, pete murray, missy higgins, george michael, old michael jackson, bill withers, stevey wonder,dido, george benson, earth wind and fire, buena vusta social club, zade, smashing pimkins, kanye west, some biggy, some tupac, some eminem,some 50 cent, zhane, jeff buckley, damien rice, tortured soul, dj david morales, dj mark farina, dj roger sanchez, masters at work, dj jose pedilla, dj roger sanchez, dj sany rivera and kings of tomorrow, guns n roses, groove armada, gorrilaz and the lst goes on and on....


well this is even more varied so here we go. Shawshank redeption, fight club, motorcycle diaries,clerks, mallrats, chasing amy, dogma,, jay and silent bob strike back, the star wars movies, the lord of the rings trilogy, robin hood: men in tights, blazing saddles, lock stock and 2 smoking barrels, snatch, notting hill, closer, good will hunting, all the bond movies, pulp fiction, kill bill 1 and 2, four rooms,the some of us, treasure island, from hell, death to smoogy, jackass the movie, bowling for colobine, farrenheit 9/11,hackers, all the austin powers movies. too many to remember.


Nip/tuck, law and order: all of them, simpsons, family guy, robot chicken, bill maher show, oz, that 70's show, american chopper, fashion tv, the history channel, buffy and angel(yes i'm a dork so what), entourage, the sorpranos, mythbusters, scrubs..... cant think of anymore its late...

My Blog

Something to think about

The idea for this entry arose after the tragic death of Heath Ledger. My folks have freaked out cause we were both the same age and both artistic. Don't get me wrong, in no way shape or form am I comp...
Posted by javier on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 07:22:00 PST


As we get to that time of year that we all make bullshit promises like quit smoking, stop sleeping with an ex or some other asinine resolution like "make a shit load of money" that either will be disc...
Posted by javier on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 06:25:00 PST

how to live

Well after this week with the death of a personality like Steve Irwin a.k.a crocodile hunter it got me thinking about a few things. Love him or hate him you cant question his integrity, motives or pas...
Posted by javier on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 06:37:00 PST

B'day reflections and disapoinments.

Well as another b'day comes and goes i wished to speak about something that has been on my mind the duration of the day commerating my birth. First thing is that i've come to finally understand that s...
Posted by javier on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:53:00 PST

B'day reflections and disapoinments.

Well as another b'day comes and goes i wished to speak about something that has been on my mind the duration of the day commerating my birth. First thing is that i've come to finally understand that s...
Posted by javier on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:55:00 PST

beauty and inspiration

Well for those few that will read this it is my first blog so bare with me. This entry was inspired my another's blog about the defenition of sexy. I think going behind that is what is beautifull...
Posted by javier on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 07:47:00 PST