Fast Cars & Slow Songs, Hot Wings & Cold Drinks, New Ideas & Old Traditions, Loud Music & Quiet Talks, Good Books & Bad Movies, Straight Answers & Winding Roads, Late Nights & Early Dismissals
.. artists, writers, musicians, thinkers, debaters, personalities, poets, students, creators, leaders, teachers, believers, motivators, protestors - People who are passionate and not too easily satisfied
Who doesn't like a little of everything? Mostly modern rock, 80's, dance, punk, classic rock, and folk. I can't even begin to list my favorite artists.
Best Drama: Big Fish, Best SciFi: Lord of the Rings, Goonies, The Princess Bride, Best Romance: When a Man Loves a Woman, The Age of Innocence, Romeo & Juliet, Best Action: Fight Club, Best Horror: Dracula, Best Musical: Moulin Rouge, Best Animated: How the Grinch Stole Christmas, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Best Comedy: Austin Powers doesn't really matter which one (corney, low-brow humor - Yeah Baby!) Best Foreign: Brotherhood of the Wolf (French I believe), Pan's Labrynth (Spanish)
Who has time for that?
I read every my kids. Dr. Seuss and anything with kittens. Fiction, fantasy, and mysteries are usually on my nightstand alongside poetry books and my own journal. Once in a while a romance finds its way into my hands but I'm never satisfied in the end. My latest favorite author is Tom Robbins. I finally finished Skinny Legs And All. I think this author must have known me intimately in a previous life...anyway I'm working through the Narnia collection currently. I'm open for suggestions on the next novel to tackle.
People who give the most and get the least - you're my inspiration