Everyone always uses this area to list their favorite celebrities. I don't care about meeting someone just because they're famous. I've met a pretty good number of famous people so far, and most of the time, they're just not too terribly interesting. I wanna meet fun people. I keep company with fun people, or at least people who wouldn't be averse to fun were it not for certain life circumstance. I can't really give specific criteria for what I consider to be fun in a person, but you probably know if you are or not.
I like music that I like and I don't give a flying fuck if you think it's corporate sell out kid's music. I like Linkin Park, I like H.I.M., I like Avenged Sevenfold. So fuck you and your music snobbery you hipster fuck!
Pretty much the same as the music. I like Michael Bay. His movies make me smile. That doesn't make me stupid and it's not a red flag for bad taste. I don't hold every movie up to the grand pedestal of the undeniable classics. I, like many others, occasionally watch a movie just to be entertained with escapist fantasy.
I don't have cable. I don't have an antenna for broadcast channels. I don't have TV. I have a Tv. And I have a DVD player. So I will rent/buy/steal television series upon their DVD release. Nothing that everyone else doesn't love, mostly the hour long dramas. Especially the HBO and Showtime dramas. Like Dexter, and The Wire.
The last book I read that didn't have pictures in it was Neuromancer. I have the rest of the Sprawl Trilogy, but haven't found the time to sit and read a novel lately. I mostly read comics. I love comics. Right now I'm totally engrossed with The Boys. Garth Ennis is a wonderful man who deserves a stripper-gram.
Any man who celebrates his vices openly and without remorse.