CCAPPROMOTIONS is a promotion company who also does photography work. We specialize in coordinating events such as car shows and mix it up with the glamour era (1940'S and 1950's). Currently, we are working on a companies calendar "Classy but a tease" look. All models are modeling a classical car. Make-up and hair is provided by Classic Glamour Dolls (http://www.myspace.com/rockabillymamita). If interested please message me.
Art Patino is his name and photography is his game. He first started taking pictures for Street Low Magazine and now has expanded in taking glamour/pin-up photography. Although that is his passion he can and is more than willing to take pictures of their choice. Every man's dream is to have a huge garage to work on their toys. Now that huge garage has now become a huge studio to do his photography in. Photographers that know him get that advantage to use his studio too. For example, his "primo" Marco Patino, James (Founder of Lowrider Pimps) and Street Low Magazine uses the outside of the studio. The studio is now for rent, so feel welcome to message him on myspace for more info. If someone is interested in taking pictures, please feel free to send him a message. If interested in make-up and hair, let him know and he will contact CGD.