Eunice profile picture


e-U-nIcE,iM nICeE!!~

About Me

eHh..aCtUaLIz i dun LiKeZ tOkIn aBTt mYSeLFZ..cOS TT 4 Ya aL 2 FiNd oUtZ..lOL.yA =P~~..BuT BuT i B gD lOOk qUiEt LaHz BUt im tAlKaTIv wEN U nOE mI weLLz..sO dUN gET deCEiv LOhZ..lOL.lUv KiDz n aNimAlz..eSp HaMsTeRZz!!I DuN ReAlI lIkE sPoRTz XcEp 4 hOcKEY,cYcLIn n mAyB plAYiN cAptaIn bAll..jUs fEll In lUv wIf kAyAkIn..tHoU i CaNt..lOL..n fInAllY *wHeW* pOOL(nT sWiMMin..!!)bTW..hMm..IZz Tt CoUnTeD a SpORTz??lOL..HoPe 2 sMIleZ mOrEz,sPrEAd LaUgHtERr 2 OtH..(NoPE iM NOO nOBLe pErSOnZ,jUs WaNNA e wRlD b A plAcE nIcER 2 Liv In) *yAWNzz*.. tT y MayB iM sOo bLuRZ..*SoBz*..WaTT cAn i dO?

My Interests

sHoPPinG(wIcH gAl dUnZ??), rEaD mAgz and cOmiCz, cHaT, sUrF, LiSteN mUsIz, dO aRTs n CrAfTZ, enGagE iN oUtdOOr aCtiVitIeZ, tInKk..mEEtIn PpL....

I'd like to meet:

iF fAtE cums DeN leT iT b..HeAvEN sHaLlZ deCIdEZ n aRRaNgeZ..hEyZ..i nOe tIs soUndS soO cliche n draPPy..ya mus al B*yaWnZ*..bUT tIs iZz WaTT i fEeL,sO yA... bUtt gEnERaLLi aLl oF Ya hErE!!~cUm cUM,LetS b fReNs!!~yUp,U!!~


SuN yAn Zi's n UtADa HikArU's music, like 1st lUv n Ti oRr Orr~ya al noe??eSP JaP mUsIZ cOs DeY rOX!!cUrRenLI liKe eNeRgYZ..kEke


2 MaNI..CaNt ReM lIaOz LehZ..dUN wAnNa kiLl sOo maNI BraINz cEllZ 4 nUtTin..u get it..*GrInZ * InTeRnAl AfFaIRs nT bAd..*hEhE*


JaP n KorEa dRaMAs cOs dEY HaV NicE OuTdOoR sCeNeS.Hk dRAmA hAv NicE PlOtSs.OkIee,i CurReNtLi LiKe KoReA HonG dOu Nu zHi LiAn!!~gR8 sHoW!!~


...CoMicZ can?lETs C WaT i hAv..hMM..cHi CinDereLLa(nOo, nT Tt faiRy TaLez!!), sInG 2 e DaWn, ToTO ChAn(i nOE, DuhZ) gHoST sToRIeZ..tIS Izz gEtiN 2 *yaWNZ*..sOO I bEta sTOp heRez...=P

My Blog


sch gona reopen real soon..*haiz* time passed...classes changed..faces gonna change changes seem inevitable.. well,i gotta accep changes...
Posted by Eunice on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my blog!!!!!!!!!~

im currentli doin up my blog.. hahaha.. its hosted alreadi... but i shall kp i a secret.... wich nobodi noes.. *hush hush* xcep mi... nt even my sista... but but..she has heard e url of my blo...
Posted by Eunice on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

haha....1 last thg 2 sae.........

okie,i wud jus like 2 sae,in an argument,c wats e root of e argument n do find solutions 2 solve, n nt leave it alone,cos it ll neber solve by its no magic...... n sm ppl sae a argu...
Posted by Eunice on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

jus a pt 2 make...

im upset nw..jus after xmas...jus had an argument.... hmm....i dunno if it makes logic 2 e party anot....i was jus tryin 2 sae sm truth n reason sm stuff wich i tink i shd...n its nt t i was tryin ...
Posted by Eunice on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


urr...i tot i was on e road 2 full recovery..loos like im havin a headache nw......n its nt caused by my sista..well partli..she left my zip disk i e comp again!!!!!nt again..*groanz*...exc...
Posted by Eunice on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

sicpk..soo sickenin..........

oooohh.... im feelin cold nw..*brr* wif da block nose n all..wat throat pain lah..... oni feel like slpin e whole dae......... fantastic mouth i hav.. tink i can bcum fortune teller liaoz.........
Posted by Eunice on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

dun care abt mi.........

im a failure.. utter failure.... sadli 2 sae.i ve form a bond 4 e lil baby hamster wich i once took care of.. yup,we send her bak 2 her owner 2dae.. i hav grew much affection 4 it.. e useless pt ...
Posted by Eunice on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

will write more tmr on my shoppin trip 2dae..note:trip nt chance 2 spree even..wat a disappointment....actuali deres nuttin abt shoppin trip..but ya ll noe more tmr..... i dunno y im feelin...
Posted by Eunice on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


i gt a lil baby hamster as my tenant 4 nw!!!!!yay!!!!! cos my sista's fren is awae,so we r hlpin her 2 take care of her hamster 4 e mmt.. well,she's a relativeli sleepy 1,n on e oth hand,a cative 1,...
Posted by Eunice on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

forec 2 slp..soo pooor thg!!!!!

okie jus nw i was tinkin hw 2 spend time while waitin 2 slp..mayb jus rot dere n stare into space..stare blank sia..dunno y mum's jus beri u happi wif mi tis few daes...i did nuttuin wrong i...
Posted by Eunice on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST