Liberals, conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Green Party, Libertarian party, all are welcome.
Freedom from Fear. Just about anything by Michener, although Iberia is proving to be a bit boring for my tastes. Lately in to Somerset Maugham. The five books every politician should read: Modern Times (Paul Johnson) Freedom from Fear (David Kennedy) Diplomacy (Kissinger) Caribbean (Michener) Atlas Shrugged (Ayn Rand). Atlas Shrugged because politicians need to understand that there are people who really do make the system work. Rand was a bit of a loon, but the message is fairly on target. Christian Myspace Layouts - American MySpace Layouts Christian Myspace Layouts
Franklin Roosevelt Ronald Reagan George Washington And any average Joe who lives his life trying to do the right thing. Any person who holds honor and Character as a defining trait of themselves in the highest regard. And Beavis.