Jonathan Safran Foer Readers profile picture

Jonathan Safran Foer Readers


About Me

Jonathan Safran Foer is an author. He lives in New York. I'm not him.
His official site is
You may have read his National Jewish Award Winning novel Everything Is Illuminated, (2002). Did you cry? Don't fib. If you haven't had the pleasure of reading it yet, it's about a young man who goes to (the) Ukraine to find the woman who may have saved his grandfather from the Nazis.
It got made into a film, with that hobbit actor in it. I haven't seen it yet. Is it any cop?
He's written some other things too! His latest novel is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2005), in which nine year-old Oskar searches for the answer to a family mystery, following the death of his father in 9/11. This book is highly likely to make you cry (possibly on public transport), but you will be glad you bothered.He has also contributed to A Convergence of Birds (2001), a collection inspired by the works of Joseph Cornell. If the Aging Magician Should Begin to Believe.
According to wikipedia, (which will tell you lots more than I can about JSF but I don't think it genuinely loves his books like I do) he co-edited The Future Dictionary of America (2004).
Other things about JSF. You might want to marry him after reading one of his books. But too late. He is already married to an authoress, and they have a little boy. Give up on JSF and try marrying a lesser author.
He is a proper vegetarian.
He is the middle brother of three. All of them do Writing.
Some people have subjected his work to envious attack. He uses what people who know about books call 'devices', which lay-book enthusiasts like myself understand as 'ways of writing which make reading this book enjoyable'. This has led some people to think he's not as good as they are. But they're wrong.
If you love JSF you may also like to join the group ' everything is illuminated '.
MySpace Layouts

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Anyone who loves what this man does.

Would you like to be our friend? Bands please send me a message saying you love JSF.
If you do not have your love of JSF's writing (or books in general) emblazoned on your page you may want to send a message, as I try to screen out random adds and fake profiles.


Goes well with books, if it's not too annoying.


Sometimes do a good job of making the things which happen in a book appear on screen, using fake people called actors.


Rarely do a good job of making the things which happen in a book appear on screen, using fake people called actors.



My Blog

Vanity Fair has thoughts as well as frocks.

Michael Hogan at Vanity Fair was very excited by Itamar Moses, an old friend of JSF having written a play in which one friend becomes a very successful (and wealthy) author and the other gets very jea...
Posted by Jonathan Safran Foer Readers on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 03:42:00 PST

Do you attend Yale? Lucky lucky you.

I understand that Jonathan has undertook/is currently undertaking/about to undertake a lectureship at Yale on Intermediate Fiction this Spring.Any Yale folk amongst us?(Myspace will not allow me to po...
Posted by Jonathan Safran Foer Readers on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 05:55:00 PST

If this is Kosher, and competition to win a signed JSF novel.

If this is Kosher is a piece JSF narrated for an educational video about animal welfare and factory farming in the Kosher food industry. Through the link you will find something for everyone:- Short ...
Posted by Jonathan Safran Foer Readers on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 02:53:00 PST

Writers' Rooms. A short piece for The Guardian Books

Just came across Writers' Rooms on the Guardian Books webpage. It will give you a glimpse of what goes on environmentally whilst he's writing.I'm afraid I cannot find any date for referencing....
Posted by Jonathan Safran Foer Readers on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 01:09:00 PST

New old news - JSF producing English version of the Passover Haggadah

Story from The Jewish Daily Forward by Michael Levitin, Friday 23rd March 2007.Even if like me you know next to nothing about the religious dimensions of this story, he makes some interesting comments...
Posted by Jonathan Safran Foer Readers on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 10:30:00 PST

JSF reading from EL&IC

Z has kindly sent me the link to this clip of JSF reading the first few pages from Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, at Thousand Oaks.I hope that you enjoy it. ...
Posted by Jonathan Safran Foer Readers on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 01:46:00 PST

JSF speaking 16th September 2007 at the Brooklyn Book Festival

Here is the blurb from the website. Many thanks to Kate for letting me know about this. I will have to imagine what he says about his appeal to European audiences from the confines of my continent. Cu...
Posted by Jonathan Safran Foer Readers on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 06:19:00 PST

Radio interview

JSF radio interview on the bat segundo show, from August 2006.45 minutes and 52 seconds. Mostly speaking about his writing, and responding to criticism of his work. I have not listened to it all yet...
Posted by Jonathan Safran Foer Readers on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 03:07:00 PST

JSF in Playboy, Jan 2004. Really.

So, I've been trying to track down an online version of Emptiness.But this excerpt is the best I can do.UPDATE 30th Nov 2007 : A version of emptiness has been translated into French and will be appear...
Posted by Jonathan Safran Foer Readers on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 02:23:00 PST

Blank Explains the World. - JSF interview with David Weich

Another interesting interview with JSF. From April 2006 for'm off to find the Decemberists now...
Posted by Jonathan Safran Foer Readers on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 01:58:00 PST