Jonathan Safran Foer is an author. He lives in New York. I'm not him.
His official site is
You may have read his National Jewish Award Winning novel Everything Is Illuminated, (2002). Did you cry? Don't fib. If you haven't had the pleasure of reading it yet, it's about a young man who goes to (the) Ukraine to find the woman who may have saved his grandfather from the Nazis.
It got made into a film, with that hobbit actor in it. I haven't seen it yet. Is it any cop?
He's written some other things too!
His latest novel is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2005), in which nine year-old Oskar searches for the answer to a family mystery, following the death of his father in 9/11. This book is highly likely to make you cry (possibly on public transport), but you will be glad you bothered.He has also contributed to A Convergence of Birds (2001), a collection inspired by the works of Joseph Cornell. If the Aging Magician Should Begin to Believe.
According to wikipedia, (which will tell you lots more than I can about JSF but I don't think it genuinely loves his books like I do) he co-edited The Future Dictionary of America (2004).
Other things about JSF.
You might want to marry him after reading one of his books. But too late. He is already married to an authoress, and they have a little boy. Give up on JSF and try marrying a lesser author.
He is a proper vegetarian.
He is the middle brother of three. All of them do Writing.
Some people have subjected his work to envious attack. He uses what people who know about books call 'devices', which lay-book enthusiasts like myself understand as 'ways of writing which make reading this book enjoyable'. This has led some people to think he's not as good as they are. But they're wrong.
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