Jenna profile picture


I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.- Dawki

About Me

Yes, I am Jenna. There are a million things I want to do.

My Interests

photography, politics, religion, formation of the universe, people/behavior, rocks, space, music, culture, serial killers, cults, myself, some of my friends, the romans, watching lame movies with kristina, sociology, my trilobite fossil, the depths of the ocean, giant squids, Neanderthals, canabolism, civilizations, cooking, forms of government, and much more, cold weather, overcast lighting, early morning lighting, and sunspots, soft colors and lighting and kittens etc

I'd like to meet:

Michio Kaku, Richard Dawkins, Steven Hawking, and Lone Droscher


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Everything Is Illuminated, Donnie Darko, Fight Club, Dazed and Confused, Forest Gump, Riding the Bullet, Girl Inturrupted, Devils Advocate, The Matrix, riding the bullet, orange county, run lola run, the beach, blow, half baked, garden state, requiem for a dream, American beauty, the butterfly effect, the lorax, the jerk, pan's labrynth, almost famous, star wars, lord of the rings, pulp fiction, the virgin suicides, snatch, v for vendeta, big fish, the invisible, candy, Sweeney Todd


That 70's Show, Futerama, King of the Hill, South Park, supernatural,prison break, family guy, history channel, the science channel, discovery, history channel international, etc.


Confucius lives next door, a million little pieces, Sex,Drugs,and Coco Puffs, letter to a Christian nation, the lorax, the god delusion, the metamorphosis, focus, the call of the wild


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