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When I was born both of my thumbs were not developed properly, so When I was 2 years old I had this major reconstruction done on my left hand. Pollicization is the transfer of the index finger to the position of the thumb. The finger is not removed, but rather rotated and brought down into the thumb position. This includes shifting of the whole finger with its skin, fingernail, bone, joints, blood vessels and nerves from one position in the hand to the thumb position.Canididates for the Procedure :A child born with an underdeveloped or non-functioning thumb A child born without a thumb A child who has an appropriate finger to shift into the thumb position The hand surgeon trys to obtain the following goals through this surgery :To improve the function of the hand for grasping large objects To improve the effectiveness for precision pinch and the ability to handle small objects with a thumb finger grasp pattern To give the "pollicized finger" the appearance of a thumb When the index finger is shifted into the thumb position, the hand surgeon takes great care to reduce the size of the scars. He attempts to place them towards the palm of the hand, in the web space, and at the base of the thumb. Your child's healing characteristics will determine how noticeable the scars will be on his hand.This operation lasts about three hours. Your child will be sent to recovery with his whole arm will be placed in a plaster splint covered with bandages and an ace wrap.This opperation was done on my left hand, and my right hand was left as it was, my thumb is ALOT smaller than the average and I dont get any use out of it. Im right handed just incase you wondered, so I've learnt to adapt my first 2 fingers and get along great without a thumb (of any use)on my right hand :) Iam now a successful Hairdresser with my own business:)