♥SHAG♥ profile picture


About Me

.Yeah, im a girl.
.im a graffiti artist.
.i am a model.
.i write my name on everything.
.know me as SHAG.
.i go by alot of aliases.
.i am a drama queen, and i love my drama.. but i dont wanna hear about yours.
.im 4 feet, and 11 inches tall.
.i weigh 98 lbs.
.im really little.
.i change my hair color more than anyone else i know.
.Dont tell me im vain and conceited and self centered. i fucking KNOW.
.i date tattoo artists, its just my "thing".
.graffiti, music, and art is my life.
.im not scared to fight for myself, or my familia.
.i am a transplant from the west coast, stuck on the east coast.
.i got into graffiti when i turned 15.
.i fall in love not often, but fast as hell.
.i sleep more than anyone you will ever meet.
.i swear that im part bat, or something. im 100 percent nocturnal.
.i was born right around the same time as hip hop.
.my dog has the same birthday as i do.
.if i dont get caffine or nicotine in my body during a dayspan, i'll probably fucking kill you if you try to talk to me.
.im terrified of bridges, deep water, cockroaches, and spiders.
.im an excellent thief, so watch your pockets and your dignity when im around.
.i love fire. im a pyromaniac.
.i believe in ghosts, fairies, aliens, and the easter bunny...but not god.
.i am the one of the most over analytical motherfuckers you will ever meet.
.i have slowly started to develop many phobias, since i hit puberty..and i dont know where they come from.
.i have severe anxiety disorder.
.im bipolar as all hell.
.i am a diagnosed sociopath.
.i am a hypochondriac.
.i feel more alive when im unhappy, than anything.
.reality checks are a BIG fear of mine.
.i argue with every boy i date. ALOT.
.i dont get caught doing the things i do.
.i hate dirty, fat people...and obesely, insanely fat people.
.i cant tell you directions to save my fucking life.
.sometimes i wonder if im NOT bisexual, and im just straight out gay.
.i push all the buttons before i get off elevators.
.i hold my breath when i drive past cemetaries.
.i announce when im going to the bathroom.
.i squeeze the toothpaste from the bottom, and i hate people who squeeze it in the middle.
.i get revenge.
.i will apologize, and not change.
.i ALWAYS have ulterior motives.
.if you are an ex boyfriend, you KNOW how crazy i am.
.i dont even trust MYSELF.
.i love ihop, especially after a good bombin' session at like 3am.
.i listen to justin timberlake when nobody's home and dance in my underwear.
.im HORRIBLY addicted to cigarettes.
.i have the biggest fear of mascots. (you know, people in costumes?).
.i like to think that de ja vu is fate fucking up and replaying something you've already learned.
.i dream crazy vivid.
.im obsessed with hippos and sloths.
.i want a pet bat.
.i wont eat food after someone touched it.
.i drink until i pass out.
.i am tattooed and pierced.
.snakebite piercings.
.bellybutton pierced.
.septum pierced.
.ears stretched.
.hood piercing. (yes, thats my vagina.)
.chestpiece tattoo.
.backpiece (PROTECT YA' NECK) across shoulders.
.half sleeve linework on left arm.
.brass knuckles tattoo on right wrist.
.nostril pierced.
.smiley pierced.
.i am a pervert.
.when you talk to me? if you are semi attractive, im probably wondering what you look like naked.
.i am addicted to sex. i am honestly a nymphomaniac.
.i get naked, ALOT.
.i believe in karma.
.i like reading about serial killers, and i think charles manson was pretty fuckin genius. i also admire the night stalker aka. richard ramirez...along with the leaders of the georgetown massacre and ed gein. cool motherfuckers, yo.
.im built like a pear, with little titties and a big ass.
.i collect jesus candles and catholic pendants.
.i have a strong following of crazy bikers, tattoo artists, and graffiti artists. dont fuck with me, cause i have ALOT of "big brothers".
.i like to get drunk and play kings.
.i wear fitted caps alot.
.when i was younger, i had long blonde dreadlocks.
.i love lowriders, and cholo lifestyle.
.hispanic boys are my weakness.
.the way cheech marin talks, gets me hot.
.i love to go out and dance.
.i sing loudly when im in the car.
.i say what i think.
.i paint in all mediums but my preferred is spray.
.i love to draw in mechanical pencil and 10 cent Bic ballpoint pens.
.i love everything really, but right now my big focus is on photography.
.music is the one of the strongest influences on my artwork.
.i am always listening to music. (be it, in my head or really listening to it.)
.i have a life soundtrack.
.my ipod is my best friend. (its name is cornelius)
.i love animals.
.i have to do something or I go insane.
.i dont like complying to the rules.
.i try to live as close to anarchy as possible, without going overboard with stupidity.
.i dont like to stay in one place for very long.
.i steal from corperate stores.
.my address on my ID is a house i lived in for a week.
.i wake up crying alot.
."what does that mean?" (everyone asks) my chest?...it means, that once upon a time...when i was younger and stupid...i fell in love. it was like the notebook, and everything was perfect. he chose drugs over me, and i was left to fend for myself with an insane family. everyone ive ever trusted has broken my heart. fuck them. "NEVERMORE"...or like ian said, "CLEVER WHORE." (you decide)
.i will never, EVER trust you, or ANY human being- as long as i am in this lifetime. The only person i DO trust, is my best friend. i have been proven, that i cant really trust him, either. but thats okay.
.In the past year, alone...i have moved 26 times.
.i AM a gypsy queen.
.i still want to see the entire world.
.i swear to you, i am a reincarnated egyptian.
.sometimes i think it would be healthy if i became celibate, and then i come to my senses.
.there is only one person in this world that i would take a bullet for. and i believe he knows who he is.
.i am exceptionally egocentric, if you hadn't picked up on that.
.i am very much a movie person, because its like being in someone's head, though i prefer a book over a movie any day.
.have you ever read the phantom tollbooth? no? well read it. i want that to happen to me.
i like sex. i like sex alot.
i like arguing.
i like graffiti, and hip hop.
i like the sound of a turntable.
i like old bar room ragtime piano music.
i like zombie movies.
i like to collect things that are shaped like hippos.
i like babies.
i like to imagine my wedding.
i like porn.
i like sunglasses, so i can check people out and they dont know it.
i like spaghetti.
i love sushi.
i like a good book.
i like sex. did i say that?
i like being choked.
i like havin my hair pulled.
i like being bitten.
i like learning about religions.
i like when my room is cleaned.
i like wearing wigs.
i love doing photoshoots.
i like electro music, secretly.
i like skimpy underwear, and dressing like a hoe.
i like boys AND girls.
i like imagining different ways to kill my ex boyfriends.
i like to get drunk and unabashedly call people and tell them my secrets.
i get turned on, when im arguing or physically fighting someone.
i like the idea of peace, but i think the human race is too self absorbed and stupid to acheive it.
i like coffee, and camel cigarettes.
i like watching funerals, but not attending them.
i like weiners. they rule ass. playing with them is probably one of the funnest pastimes ever.
i like people with 'grillz' and admire them, if they can ACTUALLY talk with a grill in their mouth.
i like having a vagina..which gives me a free pass out of trouble most of the time.
i like yelling.(especially when im crazy drunk and in public. yellings the best.)
there are more things i like. im just really lazy right now.
i like being lazy.

My Interests

"i cheated myself. like i knew, i would. i told you. i was trouble. you know, that im no good."

I'd like to meet:

.fuck it.


.if everyone demanded peace, like they did ' a bigger television ' THEN there would be peace.
-john lennon


.the one in my head, that i write more and more of, every night.

My Blog

let me kidnap your mind for a second..

while you steal my dignity. let me tell you about where i stand lately. oh, oh boy. the weather's been cold, apparently. ive been told this by alot of people, over the past few days. i havent noticed...
Posted by ♥SHAG♥ on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 04:04:00 PST

insane-iatic thoughts in all honesty and bluntness.

    Of course its hot outside. Why wouldnt it be hot this far in the south, the beginning of whatever month comes after august. Im in the fucking panhandle, arent i? i think thats the n...
Posted by ♥SHAG♥ on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 12:26:00 PST

longest roadtrip ever.

It was a long drive, to get away from you. Im not going to lie, and say that i wasnt scared to leave. In the back of my head, a voice spoke to me..."what if he changes his mind. what if he comes back?...
Posted by ♥SHAG♥ on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 11:46:00 PST


You know, i still wake up in the night scared. Only, now...i wake up alone. You arent there for me to grab your arm, and pull it over me like an extra blanket, the way i always did. Youre not there ...
Posted by ♥SHAG♥ on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 09:05:00 PST

good idea

Posted by ♥SHAG♥ on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 06:46:00 PST

.i keep telling myself.

Posted by ♥SHAG♥ on Thu, 10 May 2007 01:28:00 PST