music, having fun, getting wild, street fights, being obnoxious, getting on people's nerves, drinking, spray painting "pig" on cop cars, graffiti, smoking,spitting, stealing, goin to shows, dancing, pretty much just living fast and dying young. Me on Sailor Jerry's hehe.
the real Rebels!!! anyone who isn't full of shit. honest people who keep it real anyone who likes street punk. anyone who hates emo/screamos,cops,rednecks,scene kids, and hot topic. real friends who won't leave when the goin gets tough. revolutionaries. people with guts and balls that hang down to their knees. my old lost friends and some family. They mean the world to me. no fat girls PLEASE! you disgust me! im talkin' FAT!...u know a little pudge never hurt anyone but if ur arms are bigger than my legs THEN you should probably shoot yourself cuz ur not gona find a man unless he's just as pudgified as you and you pobably won't live much longer either you piggy pig pig! haha I was the only one arrested for "disorderly"(my ass!) conduct and here's my news report on the NAZI RALLY: ...FOR ALL OF YOU "BELIEVERS" AND TO WHICHEVER GOD YOU MAY THINK IS REAL I SAY .....FUCK YOUR GOD!.....
im not gona list every band i like. sooooooo mostly STREET PUNK. SKA. GRUNGE. none of that poppy simple blink newfound charlotte shit who label themselves as punk. some metal. some rap, ye i said it so what! ..
simpsons, chapelle show, daily news, FAMILY GUY
"" and "" iv read a couple of books on my own free will but im a real slow reader so it usually only happens during the summer. But it's good to read political books to know what is really going on. VISIT THIS SITE kids!!!: ""
i dont have any...they are all useless