A hellion son! profile picture

A hellion son!

I am here for Friends

About Me

well golly gee about me??? this picture sums it up pretty nicely: ATTACK COUNTER INTELLIGENCE PROGRAMS! I'm just an all around cunt and i probably dont like you. I'm not a punk I am a revolutionary, radical, rebel, renegade... whatever the fuck you want to call it. there is a difference nowadays. "punks" or punk rockers aren't intimidating or very radical anymore...from what I've seen there's lack of balls, spirit, and an endless dedication and passion towards their beliefs. I was once proud to be called a "punk", but I don't want to be a part of a group that cares about changing thing and doesn't do a god damn thing to change it...that job is for the majority of the pot smokin' couch bum hippies. I don't even want to be a label either. There will never be one word to describe who I am and what I am all about, so fuck stereotypes. Yes I am a punk rocker meaning I listen and believe in most of the message brought forth by the music, but I am not a "Punk." Nobody is, we are all individuals. i've been called many things but asshole is the one that comes up the most probably because I am very honest with people and if i dont like you, well lets just say you'll know it. hummmmmmmmm golly wut else? i play drums, that's just one of the things i love the most, along with music and Punk Rock. my favorite music is rough like your mother likes it. family and friends are a purpose to live for in life, that is if they love you back. there are of course family members i hate more than God himself and they are all on my father's side haha buncha fuckin hardcore conservatives! hummmm wut else can i bore u with? I grew up on in suburban areas near Paris and i hate Nazis more than anything in the world. I enjoy my personal freedom and i just try to be myself everywhere i go not giving a care in the world, because living up to other people's expectations is the most miserable way to live SO FREE YOURSELF AND DO WHAT YOU WANT! Where are the real REBELS? honestly?!let's make punk rock a threat to society again!...with the way things are going in my life I'll be dead before too long, so I'll have to make the best of it.Ernest Hemmingway:"They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country. But in modern war, there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason."DR. SEUSS: "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." HAHAHA!: "some people are like slinkies, the majority of the time they are useless, but when you push them down the stairs it always brings a smile to your face." http://redforum.propagande.org/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=5..Thi s profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help! ..

My Interests

music, having fun, getting wild, street fights, being obnoxious, getting on people's nerves, drinking, spray painting "pig" on cop cars, graffiti, smoking,spitting, stealing, goin to shows, dancing, pretty much just living fast and dying young. Me on Sailor Jerry's hehe.

I'd like to meet:

the real Rebels!!! anyone who isn't full of shit. honest people who keep it real anyone who likes street punk. anyone who hates emo/screamos,cops,rednecks,scene kids, and hot topic. real friends who won't leave when the goin gets tough. revolutionaries. people with guts and balls that hang down to their knees. my old lost friends and some family. They mean the world to me. no fat girls PLEASE! you disgust me! im talkin' FAT!...u know a little pudge never hurt anyone but if ur arms are bigger than my legs THEN you should probably shoot yourself cuz ur not gona find a man unless he's just as pudgified as you and you pobably won't live much longer either you piggy pig pig! haha I was the only one arrested for "disorderly"(my ass!) conduct and here's my news report on the NAZI RALLY: ...FOR ALL OF YOU "BELIEVERS" AND TO WHICHEVER GOD YOU MAY THINK IS REAL I SAY .....FUCK YOUR GOD!.....


im not gona list every band i like. sooooooo mostly STREET PUNK. SKA. GRUNGE. none of that poppy simple blink newfound charlotte shit who label themselves as punk. some metal. some rap, ye i said it so what! ..


Nazi Skinheads are mentally incapacitaded

A short report about nazi skins and why we need to pity them... HAHAHA! this shit is hilarious! American psycho, rockn roll high school,gOOnies ,Ferris Bueler's day off, Terminator 2, Ninja Turtles I+II, Waynes World I+II, Jay+ Silent Bob, Dogma, Beavis + Butthead do America, Clerks I+II, Breakfeast club,Suburbia....etc..


simpsons, chapelle show, daily news, FAMILY GUY


"theresistancemanifesto.com" and "infowar.org" zzzz...no iv read a couple of books on my own free will but im a real slow reader so it usually only happens during the summer. But it's good to read political books to know what is really going on. VISIT THIS SITE kids!!!: "http://www.thensaiswatchin.com/"


i dont have any...they are all useless

My Blog

Truth about

YOU CAN HELP BY ADDING MOOORE ANARCHY IN THE UK! hahaha!You might not like what some of this says...it's very sarcastic and some of it I don't agree with but for the most part it's aaaaaaaaaall so tru...
Posted by A hellion son! on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 03:51:00 PST

Fuck Racism

The things I hate about America There are of course many issues that I have with and against this country. This "free" land built on lies and hypocrisy but I want to focus on one issue at a time. Tod...
Posted by A hellion son! on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 07:33:00 PST

Update on the Exploited!

It is really hard to know what to think anymore. All I know is they're a sketchy band. They claim NOT! be right-wing we know that for sure based on what I picked up on their websit...
Posted by A hellion son! on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 07:20:00 PST

The Exploited are Nazis!?

..> The Exploited are Nazis!?   "http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u =http://argentina.indymedia.org/news/2004/04/188653_comment. php&sa=X&oi=translate&resnu...
Posted by A hellion son! on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 06:47:00 PST

Police torture a College student!

..> UCLA Police Taser Student For Not Showing ID This is like something out of a horror movie, you can hear the guy screaming and begging not to be tortured as they repeatedly hit him with the Tase...
Posted by A hellion son! on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 05:19:00 PST

for all you make up whores!

Hahaha! NO WAY that that's computerized! (sarcasm)I wish that people could just break free from this addiction to make-up. I don't think they realize how serious of an obsession it really is. Though I...
Posted by A hellion son! on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 06:33:00 PST


THE VISION: On Sunday, April 20, 2008, thousands of concerned individuals will converge on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. to publicly, yet peacefully, show their disdain and frustration toward ...
Posted by A hellion son! on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 02:42:00 PST

POLICE murderers! part2

  people! this is only in BALTIMORE!   Report: More than 1,000 unsolved murders in Baltimore since 1998 ..> 4 hrs ago   ยป Report: More than 1,000 unsolved murders in Baltimore since...
Posted by A hellion son! on Tue, 01 May 2007 01:39:00 PST

POLICE! a pack of murderers!

Why are you still killing my brothers and sisters? And why do you still feel our lives, in the year 2001, are still not equal to yours? The men and women who are supposed to be our back bone and seeke...
Posted by A hellion son! on Tue, 01 May 2007 01:32:00 PST

the COURT Trial.

Wow! I was blown away?! for the first time I saw hope in the court room and in this fucked up system. I had been waiting impatiently from 8am to 12:30pm to finally have my name called just about every...
Posted by A hellion son! on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 10:51:00 PST