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Love is dead

About Me

This page is about why the master of the universe is Brett Anderson.
It's also is a page about the fantastic music made by him and his former bands The Tears and Suede.
Brett is the most good looking creature I have ever seen.
You don't need money when you look like that do you honey.
He must be an alien.
Handsome devil.
What's it like being so gorgeous, Mr Anderson?
Brett really has no curves what so ever on his body. It's like he's been run over by a bulldozer. Simple and beautiful. Less is more. Do you understand?
The profile of the nose is the most good looking part of him. Snub nose to the extreme. So penetrating.
The corners of the mouth are very cute.
The rounded lips on that small mouth are even cuter.
Those cheekbones are not to play with.
Sometimes when he smiles you can see the meat of the upper lip which also have a touch of that robot look.
Stunning blue eyes.
The arms are slim. And he's got just enough hair on his body too.
The shoulders, chest, arms and back are small and vonurable. Makes me want to hug him gently.
His hands are squares and the fingertips are not rounded at all. The nails are like TV monitors.
His chest is muscular, but not to much... still masculine flat.
There is something special with his skin. Don't know what exactly. Like stardust... Thin and oily and sort of always looks like a suntan, even if he's pale.
Hips to die for.
He got no arse. Very sexy actually.
The black hair gives a simpel and powerful look. Yes Sir.
Looong looooog legs. Remember... no curves! Very sexy!
Sharp nose wings, dude.
He's got a sweet little neck as well.
Even his feets and ears are perfect.
I told you he's not human.
Brett is my tiny little flower that I want to kiss and protect!
Good boy.
A lost petite little cutie.
He's the smallest boy I know!!.........
*kiss, kiss and cuddling on my fluffy lover puffy mon amour...*
Offstage Brett is a kitten...
...and onstage he's a panter.
Strong elegant cat.
That guy can dance!
He is always the ultimate loonatic on stage.
The characteristic clap dance is done with one clap on the right side while looking to the left, and two claps on the left side while looking to the right.
He runs around on stage like a little chicken. And the tuft on top of the head jumps up and down. Awfully cute.
Cowboy lasso.
Wild thing.
Naughty, naughty. Very naughty.
James Bond.
Masculine is rock'n roll.
The brigthest shining star in the sky.
Brett is beautiful.
Everything he does is poetry.
Brett is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to this planet.
When I hear some of those typical sad ballads, with that opera sort of voice, those lyrics and only a guitar I get chocked by how beautiful it is. Even if I have heard the song many times before.
Our times Greta Garbo.
Does he have copyright on beauty or something?
He always leaves me speechless.
Hot stuff.
What would you rather have, Brett lying naked in your bed, or me chewing on your head?
The androgynous thing was also dishy.
Drives me crazy when he wiggle those hips!
It's not good to smoke, Brett! But it sure is sexy.
Oh Brett my little English schoolboy with old shoes.......
Danger danger, high voltage.
He is a very horny lad indeed. :-P
Shy boys are so sexy!
The man who fell to earth.
I'm so in love with Brett!
He sparkles.
Brett is very strange. He's good at everything. It's not normal, Brett. Just so you know.
Mad about the boy.
He makes everything beautiful. It would be high quality art just seeing him do all those everyday things.
My dark star.
Brett is good at talking. Kvick, and his words captivates me. He can be very funny, and that accent of his, oh dear.
All girls wants him.
Brett - The best a girl can get
He's soooo out of my league. :-( He's to good for me. Having him would feel like I had stolen the biggest diamond in the world. I would get nervous the police would find it and take it back to the museum where it belongs, so everyone can enjoy it.
How are you Brett...?
Feels like it's peace on earth when Brett smiles a real smile.
I wonder how Brett is doing... I analyze him. What is he thinking about. How come he knows so much about depression... Is love really dead as he sings. Is he happy...? I hope he's well taken care of.
This is Brett promoting a record that he has just found out is a big flop. It's so moving to see him angry. Not even Brett is perfect.
The music industrys style icons.
I love that typical british absurd style.
His clothes makes me genuinely happy.
Those leather jackets are unforgetable.
Brett always has new fine hairdos. Apart from the early 90's that is.
Experts at the decadent.
Elegant gentleman.
The dark overlord of the fringe.
The trouser king.
A room can't get more beautiful than this. Aaaahh......
He has the look of a son, with all the love and poison of London.
The lovliest livingroom I have ever seen. Stylish and discret.
You really got a sence of decorating don't you sweetie?
Britain has such a lovely old lazy style.
Purple is the favorite colour.
Brett's lyrics are very beautiful and clever.
Brett sings like an angel.
His voice is sharp, good, nice and vibrates in some cute way.
They are one of my absolute favorite musicians in the world. They have stong melodies. I think that's fun. Not just rhyhm based songs that is supposed to be exiting. I also think the music has a nice speed, not to fast and not to slow. The absolutely magical music is written by everyone in the band, but mostly by the wonderboys Brett Anderson, Bernard Butler and Richard Oakes.
A band with a good eye for the visual.
This photo is taken by Tee Corinne. Looks like love.
The absloutely brilliant record sleeves are made by Peter Svaille and Nick Knight.
Another genious is Pedro Romhanyi who has made many of Suede's videos. Like...
Beautiful Ones, that is very glamorous.
Animal Nitrate, that is hard and bisarr.
Saturday Night, that is charming and lovely.
And Lazy. His videos are light like feathers.
Trash is made by David Mould. Colourful and unbelievable stylish.
Lindy Heymann made The Drowners. She's got a nice raw style.
I wish Brett didn't make so pretentious music.
Brett Anderson - The black pearl in London
It's so cold out there, cold for the little birds
who will take care of them?
I saw your shape in a taxi
down on the market in Soho
Say have you notice it's left traffic in our soul
You are the rebel like a fashion
way down in Brixton, things are cooking
Say have you bought David Bowie's latest casette
Yes you are free to be the one you will be
but to me you have grown to a pearl
You are famous
You are famous
My black pearl in London who I love with
and dance me to sleep
My black pearl in London who I love with
and dance me to peace
Oh I love to see you on TV darling
because it gives you new tricks in your collection
for us to open up to the myth
Oh I saw you here in Brick Factory
but where are you now
It's gossip about you and Sadie
even if I said I will set you free
Say have you forgotten that you are, you are loved?
My black pearl in London who I love with
and dance me to sleep
My black pearl in London who I love with
and dance me to peace
My black pearl in London
My black mother-of-pearl
My black pearl in London
My black mother-of-pearl

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Lyric quotes

...She left some flowers, he smoked for hours......Don't you worry, there's a gap in the fence down by the nature reserve......Psycho for sex and glue......Got a kicking transistor inside......A stati...
Posted by Adore on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 02:35:00 PST