Music, criminology, my bands, movies,good books, The x files, shotting with arc, football
Suede : Dog man star * Pulp: Different class * Beatles: Revolver * Pink Floyd: Dark side of the moon * Led Zeppelin: III, IV * Janis Joplin: pearl * Jethro tull: Thick as a brick * Muse: absolution * Kula shaker: Peasant, pigs and astronouts * David Bowie: the rise and fall...and diamond dogs * T rex: slider * Brian Eno: all the warm jets * Beck: mellow gold * Dimmu Borgir: godless savage garden * Anathema: pentecost III, Silent enigma * Lacrimosa: Inferno * The cure: in between days, disintegration * Placebo: WYIAN * Depeche mode: songs of faith and devotion * Amorphis: tuonela * Theatre of tragedy: theatre of tragedy * The gathering: how to measure a planet * The smiths: the queen is dead * Nick Cave: murder ballads * Heroes del silencio: senderos de traición * Belle and sebastian: The boy with the arab strap * Radiohead: Ok Computer * Metallica: ride the lightning * Iron maiden: iron maiden, number of the beast * Blind guardian: nightfall * Joy division: closer * Smashing pumpkins: adore * jeff buckley: grace * REM: out of time. * Alice in chains: jar of flies. * Nirvana: nevermind. * pearl jam: animal. * Oasis: what is the story... * Manic st preachers: this is my truth tell me urs * Travis: the man who * Beethoven: egmont overture, piano sonatas, fur elise... * Grieg: piano concerto. * Smetana: my country. * debussy: arabesque, le mer. * satie: gymnopedys.* chopin: ballade n1. * wagner:tristan et isolde overture. * mozart: requiem. * schubert: lied Erlkönig *
...and many more...
1984, American Psycho,The Cabinet of Curiosities, The Lost Army of Cambyses, Terry Pratchett, The analyst, any of H.P.Lovecraft or E.A.Poe, The stranger, Demien, The Anticrhist, Lord of the rings, Sillmarillion and more...
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