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You are my no-one

About Me

Hello; I am a common person. I have two loves now: Brett McKenna and Music. Brett is everything. Music surrounds me in everything I do, my piano, my voice, my bands that reminds me of my childhood in which everything was just hope. Now it is just life.See how it goes ;)
What X-Files Character are you??
Dana Scully
You are a scientist and need to know the facts before believing anything. You are highly rational and logical and very brainy. You have a good heart and are very nurturing. Mulder is in love with you!

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My Interests

Music, criminology, my bands, movies,good books, The x files, shotting with arc, football


Suede : Dog man star * Pulp: Different class * Beatles: Revolver * Pink Floyd: Dark side of the moon * Led Zeppelin: III, IV * Janis Joplin: pearl * Jethro tull: Thick as a brick * Muse: absolution * Kula shaker: Peasant, pigs and astronouts * David Bowie: the rise and fall...and diamond dogs * T rex: slider * Brian Eno: all the warm jets * Beck: mellow gold * Dimmu Borgir: godless savage garden * Anathema: pentecost III, Silent enigma * Lacrimosa: Inferno * The cure: in between days, disintegration * Placebo: WYIAN * Depeche mode: songs of faith and devotion * Amorphis: tuonela * Theatre of tragedy: theatre of tragedy * The gathering: how to measure a planet * The smiths: the queen is dead * Nick Cave: murder ballads * Heroes del silencio: senderos de traición * Belle and sebastian: The boy with the arab strap * Radiohead: Ok Computer * Metallica: ride the lightning * Iron maiden: iron maiden, number of the beast * Blind guardian: nightfall * Joy division: closer * Smashing pumpkins: adore * jeff buckley: grace * REM: out of time. * Alice in chains: jar of flies. * Nirvana: nevermind. * pearl jam: animal. * Oasis: what is the story... * Manic st preachers: this is my truth tell me urs * Travis: the man who * Beethoven: egmont overture, piano sonatas, fur elise... * Grieg: piano concerto. * Smetana: my country. * debussy: arabesque, le mer. * satie: gymnopedys.* chopin: ballade n1. * wagner:tristan et isolde overture. * mozart: requiem. * schubert: lied Erlkönig *


...and many more...


1984, American Psycho,The Cabinet of Curiosities, The Lost Army of Cambyses, Terry Pratchett, The analyst, any of H.P.Lovecraft or E.A.Poe, The stranger, Demien, The Anticrhist, Lord of the rings, Sillmarillion and more...


My love Brett :) I love you!! a href="http://myspace.com/contacttables" style="position:absolute;

My Blog

cosas an d things

Blog ... lovely and unread blog. Lovely love, Tenerife, lovely family, lovely friends. Who needs more?  not me anymore. And now i know what it means to love. Y ahora se lo que significa amar, Y a...
Posted by Fay on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 09:40:00 PST

Pues salio bien :D

It is a hit!! xDDD
Posted by Fay on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 03:41:00 PST

I love you

I love you, and I will always will...   ****************************  Are You There?Are you there?Is it wonderful to knowAll the ghosts...All the ghosts...Freak my selfish outMy mind is happ...
Posted by Fay on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 03:27:00 PST

... Curiosity killed the cat....And today i am that f. cat.

Never look at some weird-supposed blonde-desperate-for-sex-my-space-idiot-supposed musicians-childish-girls-pic s´ comments. You can find comments from ppl you care that may disgust you a lot. A LOT. ...
Posted by Fay on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 08:55:00 PST


Egmont Overture: It is perfect. It expresses completely how I feeel and how I am. Beethoven is my inspiration. If only I had my piano here. I need my 88 keys to express myself. I feel mute and deaf. I...
Posted by Fay on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 08:19:00 PST


So everybody has chosen my life as subject of suspect. Just say babe, ur a pain in the arse.   And apart from my bulletin of annoying ppl, just say that Brighton is great. I love the ppl here, It...
Posted by Fay on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 07:20:00 PST

I need to say...but for the last time...

I am not feeling well. Echo de menos a mi madre. A mi padre, a mi hermano, a mi abuela, nunca pense q los echase tantisimo de menos. He deseado durante so many years to come here to England that I hav...
Posted by Fay on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 11:10:00 PST

Undeserved Bitch

 That is the only thing I need to say today. My kingdom, AnathemaThere is a whole mountainAnd a river runs through itIf you split my mountain wideYou would find many riversAmong flocks of non-whi...
Posted by Fay on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 04:42:00 PST

And it was.

So It was worth. And now everything makes sense. I feel happy, mature and strong.I am ready to jump, and I am sure everything is going to be ok...because we are together, now and forever.And If I have...
Posted by Fay on Sun, 20 May 2007 09:19:00 PST

Let ´s get together before we get much older...

Teenage wasteland...teenage wasteland! not sensible, not wise, just do it.   ...samara says... 3 days. I know it will be worth.   miss u.   fay...
Posted by Fay on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 03:30:00 PST