GOD and People! After that.... Music & Shows, Traveling (Road Trips), More People, Sports (Basketball- GO ZAGS!!), Football, Soccer aka Footie aka Futball, Writing and Art, Outdoors...
If we don't know you, it would be very cool to get to..... Musicians & Music related Peoples of all backgrounds, Artists, Actors, and anybody related to entertainment or art in some way. We also enjoy hearing from those who enjoy the music too, at shows and in their ears, aka YOU. Please feel free to add us and say Hi too.
Those completely SOLD OUT for CHRIST are way cool!...We're not scared if you're not a Christian either...We enjoy people of all kinds, backgrounds, and interests...We do not judge, and we do host all different kinds of shows and bands... If you have ADHD, we love the energy.. If you've got a pet tarantula though, Erin Bond may be a better friend option to add to your list than us.
We've gotten some pretty whacky out-of-the-blue emails on MySpace already. I'm pretty sure we can't be shocked. Even better, some of the weirdest emails turned into some of the very coolest people we've ever known.
Our ears are always open for new bands, old bands, new music venues, new artists, plays, roadside attractions, off road attractions, cool local hangouts, places to eat, different churches, cool new people of all kinds.......and if you want to offer some suggestions on where to go and what to do in your neck of the woods; Please fill us in. We LOVE small towns and big cities alike and the cool people that live in 'em.
And finally, a WARNING... We do not discriminate against anyone. Some profiles may be questionable or offensive to some...Please use caution when clicking on links.
Everything from Hardcore/Metal/Punk to Country styles and everything in between!....I just hope I don't go deaf from forgetting the ear plugs so often...How stupid would I look rawking out at a show and couldn't hear a bit of it? I'd still go and look stupid though. And if you think I look stupid now, it's not cause I'm deaf, it's probably cause the band sucks!
Sister Act II
FUSE, Toon Disney, Cartoon Network, Steelroots, MTV, TBN, CW....
Do comics count?
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!