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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Jesus, I'm just a regular guy. I save people from their sins. Its really hard and most people don't understand that. How do you ask some one to blindly believe in some one they have never met? I don't know. But I manage to get it done. If you are in the San Francisco area look me up. I hang out at Daddy's and Martuni's. Fun times. Fun times. Just don't ask me to "save your sin" unless you're willing to do the same. *wink wink :o)
If you have time check out:
Name:: Jesus
Eye Color:: Green
Hair Color:: Brown
Right Handed Or Left Handed:: Right
The Shoes You Wore Today:: Beige Suede Leather Hogans
Your Weakness:: Shoe Sale
Your Fears:: STD's
Your Perfect Pizza:: Vegetarian
Goals You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: Find the perfect bag, a nice pair of Gucci shoes.
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger:: That's so Mash Potato'd.
Thoughts First Waking Up:: Who's this next to me?
Your Best Physical Feature:: Hair and Ass
Your Bedtime:: 11:30pm
Your Most Missed Memory:: My resurection
Pepsi Or Coke:: Ice Tea
McDonalds Or Burger King:: Barfalishous.
Single Or Group Dates:: Single
Lipton Ice Tea Or Nestea:: Either
Chocolate Or Vanilla:: OMG Vanilla.
Cappuccino Or Coffee:: Cappuccino
Do You Smoke:: No Way! So gross
Do You Swear:: Don't tell my Dad but only when I'm super mad.
Do You Sing:: In my car
Do You Shower Daily:: Of course.
Have You Been In Love:: To my sweet Gary.
Do You Want To Go To College:: I did for a bit
Do You Want To Get Married:: Isn't that every one's dream?
Do You Believe In Yourself:: If I didn't would that be blasphemy?
Do You Get Motion Sickness:: Only on the witch's wheel.
Do You Think You Are Attractive:: Have you seen my ass?
Are You A Health Freak:: Vegetarian. Duh! But I do like a nice thick sausage from time to time.
Do You Get Along With Your Parents:: Mostly
Do You Like Thunderstorms:: Only when I have a hot man hunk to cuddle with.
Do You Play An Instrument:: Meat whistle.
In The Past Month Have You Drank Alcohol:: martini's and wine only!
In The Past Month Have You Gone On A Date:: Only way I can keep this figure.
In The Past Month Have You Gone To The Mall:: Where else am I going to get my fashion?
In The Past Month Have You Eaten A Box:: No way!
In The Past Month Have You Eaten Sushi:: No.
In The Past Month Have You Been Dumped:: OMG Steve.
In The Past Month Have You Gone Skinny Dipping:: Man doesn't reveal himself in front of the ladies.
In The Past Month Have You Stolen Anything:: No, but Steve stole my heart.
Ever Been Drunk:: Only once
Ever Been Called A Tease:: Of course.
Ever Been Beaten Up:: Not up but off. HeHe
Ever Shoplifted:: No
How Do You Want To Die:: In the hole of a hot hunk.
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up:: Your savior
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit:: France!

My Interests

I like to play ping pong, take photographs, shop, cook, and play Everquest. I volunteer at the local homeless soup kitchen every now and then.

I'd like to meet:

A nice guy who wants to nail me. But not to the cross. Christopher Walken. Adam Sandler. Devo and Tom from MySpace. He's so cool.

I love this commercial.


Any thing Country. But not Kenny Chesney, his music is really gay. I also LOVE 90's alternative and of course any thing 80s. Oh My! Whip it! Whip it Good!


Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Any thing by Oliver Stone, SpaceBalls, and horror movies. But my favorite is The Sweetest Thing and My Best Friend's Wedding. I really liked Click too. It made me cry.


Mostly Lifetime, What not to wear, some history channel. 10yrs younger. Any thing on the cooking channel. Animal Planet but not those rescue shows. Those are so sad.


Pretty much what ever Oprah recommends. Last 4 books I've read were * YOU: The Owner's Manual By Michael Roizen and Mehmet Oz * Good Night By Dr. Michael Breus * Happiness Now! By Robert Holden * Shift Happens! By Robert Holden * Make Money, Not Excuses By Jean Chatzky


The people who created Google. They are awesome. My Dad is pretty sweet too. But every one looks up to their Dad. LOL. Jimmy White. Christopher Walken.