..From the non-stop parties, to the week long drug binges, beautiful girls, & oceans of booze Theres little reason to question why in 1988 these guys were dubbed The Most Dangerous Band in The World!! Guns N Roses were a reflection of the reckless world in which they livedthe gasoline for the high octane music that they created. Upon the release of their ground breaking debut album Appetite for Destruction it was almost instantaneous that they were on a one-way-ticket to the top and were to serve as a shot in the arm for the world of rock & roll"Hollywood Roses" was formed to bring party back from the streets. With the last decade lacking the spirit of honest [REAL] Rock & Roll, these five rockers met in Southern California and played the local club circuit with original bands, but quickly recognized the club scene was missing something essential - people having fun!! Hollywood had spearheaded the music industry since the early 80s with bands like Mötley Crüe, The Doors, and Van Halen selling millions of albums and uniting people to have a good time all over the world.As the decade was drawing to a close, the market was saturated with pretty boys and posers where music took the backseat to imagesomething needed to change. Guns N Roses were the answer to the metal goes pop mentality that was ruling the charts. They brought back the essence of the street to people with the brash unwashed attitude towards the music of the day. They had no scruples about living the lifestyle of their idols, drawing inspiration from bands like Aerosmith, Hanoi Rocks and the Sex Pistols. They took the original rock n roll motto and lived it to the fullest- rebels without a cause!!"Hollywood Roses" pay tribute to all the qualities of that mentality! The band brings the original Guns N Roses concept and stage show back to the world from where it all started.....Tinsel town -Hollywood, Ca. **Watch out for the Ultimate Guns N Roses Experience coming soon to a stage near you!!!**
Check Out Colby singing with Steven Adler in Adler's Appetite in Argentina, South America, and Mexico!!
Also check out Adler's Appetite Myspace page for updates, tour info and photos.www.myspace.com/stevenadlersite