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The Billy Meier Research Page

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FOR THOSE WHO SINCERELY DESIRE TO BEFRIEND ME, THE LAST NAME FOR THIS PAGE IS: Meier ____________________________________________________________ ____________"Billy" Eduard Albert Meier was born on February 3, 1937, in Bülach/Zurich, Switzerland. Billy Meier had his first of his extraterrestrial contacts at the age of five with Sfath who was from from Erra (Pleiades/Plejaren), from 1942 to 1953. From 1953 to 1964, Billy Meier's contacts were with Asket from a sister universe to our own called the DAL universe. Then from 1975 to 1986, Billy Meier's contacts were with Semjase and Ptaah and Quetzal. ____________________________________________________________ ____________The Pleiadians, also known as the Plejarens, and their confederates are human beings with physical bodies and look very much like the people on Earth, with the exception of some minor anatomical differences, especially regarding the confederates. They live for 1,000 years, approximately. Their home planet -- somewhat smaller than Earth -- is called Erra. Its population is about 500 million people, while the entire federation has a population of 120 billion. The Pleiadians / Plejarens are not from the Pleiades we can see in the night sky. They are 80 light-years beyond the Pleiades in another space-time configuration (another dimension). The Pleiadians / Plejarens' consciousness ("spirit") and technology are much more highly developed than here on Earth. The Pleiadians / Plejarens and the people of Earth have the same ancestors, but have developed separately. ____________________________________________________________ ____________ Prior to Monday 31st July 2006, there were 830 personal and 1019 telepathic contacts with Pleiadian/Plejaren Federation personnel and their families since 1975, but these contacts are still continuing. There exists 457 Contact Reports thus far. As of 2008, 9 Blocks of Contact Notes are available in German only and can be ordered from FIGU Switzerland. The first hundred contacts with Billy Meier can be purchased as Ebooks or hard bound books from Wendelle Stevens' official website. Some of the subject matters discussed are: Creation and its creations, origin of the universe, earth history, science, astronomy, spirituality, reincarnation, genetic engineering, terrestrial religions, human evolution, spiritual teachings, interplanetary space flight, galactic federation, extraterrestrial origin and visitation to Earth, telepathy, overpopulation on Earth, destruction of the environment, male-female relationships, government and military cover-ups, and many more. ____________________________________________________________ ____________Hundreds of photos were taken by Billy Meier of beamships and their landing tracks, among other things were photographs of 5 different variations of spacecraft, from 3.5 to 7 meter, usually piloted by humans. Other spacecraft and telemeter discs are remotely controlled and have also been photographed on several occasions. There also exist huge spaceships for traveling through space. There are photographs of single or multiple objects, day and night settings, above and below horizon line. There exist video and super 8 footage. Film analyzed by electron microscope, laser scanning and computer functions, thermogram edge identification, Z scale contour, density and film grain inspection, processed by electron microscope, microdensitometer, infraredometer, vidicon tube, digitizer, image process computer equipment. ____________________________________________________________ ____________Different segments of 8-mm motion picture film were also taken by Billy Meier. The films show variations in flight of ships; multiple craft appearances; instantaneous spatial translations by space craft; portions of the films have been analyzed in frame-by-frame format. ____________________________________________________________ ____________Billy Meier also gave 4 metal, 1 biological and 9 mineral and crystal samples from the Plejarens to be examined. Metal analysis was described thoroughly in video tape format (Beamship the Metal). It showed that the metal was made by a cold fusion process. This technology is not yet known by terrestrial metallurgy. ____________________________________________________________ ____________A 20-minute sound recording of a beamship's whirring sounds was also made by Billy Meier. The sound recordings of a non-shielded beamship were taken in the presence of several witnesses who heard the deafening noise, but weren't able to observe the ship that was screened from sight. The loud whirring sound could be heard for more than 4 kilometers as was confirmed by persons who soon arrived at the location. The scientific investigation showed that the sound contains many tones/frequencies with unusual anomalies and rapid changes in tone and frequencies. ____________________________________________________________ ____________Landing tracks: Depending on the type of beamship, there could be seen 1 or 3 landing tracks. When three, they were 120 degrees apart, circular; the grass was depressed in counterclockwise rotational direction, visible for even months after landing occurred. Both existing and new grass were affected. These have been deemed to be among the most difficult evidences of the Billy Meier case for someone without the aid of higher intelligences to reproduce. ____________________________________________________________ ____________Witnesses: In addition to Billy Meier, there are more than 70 people who have witnessed the evidence regarding the Pleiadians / Plejarens, their beamships, or Billy himself. ____________________________________________________________ ____________For More Information: The largest and most exhaustive website on the Billy Meier Contacts that contains the most information about the case and nearly all links to all websites that cover the case is:

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THESE ARE THE WORKS BY VARIOUS AUTHORS THAT YOU WILL FIND IN THIS PAGE'S BLOG SECTION (sorted newest to oldest): ____________________________________________________________ ____________NEW! Light Years by Gary Kinder - Part 2 (in progress) ____________________________________________________________ ____________The Time Travel Notes of Billy Meier ____________________________________________________________ ____________UFO Contact from the Pleiades Vol. 2 by Elders ____________________________________________________________ ____________UFO Contact from the Pleiades Vol. 1 by Elders ____________________________________________________________ ____________Light Years by Gary Kinder - Part 1 ____________________________________________________________ ____________Analysis of Korff's Spaceships of the Pleiades: The Billy Meier Story. ____________________________________________________________ ____________The Meier Photographs: Hoax From The Pleiades ____________________________________________________________ ____________The Talmud of Jmmanuel ____________________________________________________________ ____________The Wedding-Cake UFOs ____________________________________________________________ ____________The Ober-Sädelegg photos ____________________________________________________________ ____________The Hasenböl Movie Segment ____________________________________________________________ ____________The Hasenböl/Fischenthal Photos ____________________________________________________________ ____________The Bachtelhörnli-Unterbachtel movie film and 35mm stills ____________________________________________________________ ____________The Ober-Sadelegg Movie ____________________________________________________________ ____________More about the Fir Tree ____________________________________________________________ ____________The Meier UFO Contactee Case ____________________________________________________________ ____________The camera never lies? - By Peter Brookesmith ____________________________________________________________ ____________Photo Analysis of a Meier Photo. by Neil M. Davis, Physicist ____________________________________________________________ ____________A Refutation of Bruce Maccabee's 1989 Debunking Attempt, and the Episode of the Above-the-treetop Beamship Oscillations ____________________________________________________________ ____________"CONTACT FROM THE PLEIADES" IN FACT AND FlCTION ____________________________________________________________ ____________Letter: Response to Stevens ____________________________________________________________ ____________KAL KORFF AND THE "MEIER HOAX": A RESPONSE - Pt. 2 ____________________________________________________________ ____________PENDULUM-LIKE MOTION OF AN UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT (UO) FILMED BY BILLY MEIER ____________________________________________________________ ____________KAL KORFF AND THE "MEIER HOAX": A RESPONSE - Pt. 1 ____________________________________________________________ ____________THE MEIER INCIDENT: THE MOST INFAMOUS HOAX IN UFOLOGY ____________________________________________________________ ____________Contact from the Pleiades? by Janet and Colin Bord, 1980 ____________________________________________________________ ____________A Most Remarkable Recurring UFO Case! by Wendelle Stevens, 1977 ____________________________________________________________ ____________UFO Contact from the Pleiades ____________________________________________________________ ____________An Open Letter to the UFO Community ____________________________________________________________ ____________UFO Contact from the Pleiades: A Supplementary Investigation Report. by Wendelle Stevens ____________________________________________________________ ____________Beyond Great UFO Photos: An Inquiry into the Billy Meier Case ____________________________________________________________ ____________Earliest Written Testimony from Meier-case Witnesses ____________________________________________________________ ____________The Meier Case: UFO CONTACTEE EXPOSED?..: ____________________________________________________________ ____________AND MORE!!!


Go to the Favorites section of this page's "My Videos" section to find movies about the Billy Meier case that have been uploaded by other MySpace users.


Andrade, Gene. "Star Wisdom: Principles of Pleiadian Spirituality." Rancho Mirage, CA: The Pleiades Project, 1997. ________________________Elders, Lee J. "UFO… Contact from the Pleiades, Vol.1." Phoenix, AZ: Genesis III Productions, Ltd., 1979. ________________________ Elders, Lee J. "UFO… Contact from the Pleiades, Vol.2." Phoenix, AZ: Genesis III Productions, Ltd., 1983. ________________________ Deardorff, James W. "Celestial Teachings: The Emergence of the True Testament of Jmmanuel (Jesus)." Tigard, OR: Wild Flower Press, 1991. ________________________ Kinder, Gary. "Light Years: An Investigation into the Extraterrestrial Experiences of Eduard Meier." New York: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1987. ________________________ Korff, Kal K. "The Billy Meier Story: Spaceships of the Pleiades." Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1995. ________________________Meier, Billy and Rashid, Isa. "The Talmud of Jmmanuel." Columbus, NC: Wild Flower Press, 1992. ________________________Meier, Billy [various]. "Through Space and Time: A Photo Journal of “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier." Tulsa, OK: Steelmark LLC, 2004. ________________________Moosbrugger, Guido. "And Yet… They Fly!" Tulsa, OK: Steelmark LLC, 2001. ________________________ Moosbrugger, Guido. "And Still… They Fly!" Tulsa, OK: Steelmark LLC, 2004. ________________________ Stevens, Wendelle C. (Meier, Billy) "Message from the Pleiades, Vol.1." Tucson, AZ: UFO Photo Archives, 1988. ________________________ Stevens, Wendelle C. (Meier, Billy) "Message from the Pleiades, Vol.2." Tucson, AZ: UFO Photo Archives, 1990. ________________________ Stevens, Wendelle C. (Meier, Billy) "Message from the Pleiades, Vol.3." Tucson, AZ: UFO Photo Archives, 1993. ________________________ Stevens, Wendelle C. (Meier, Billy) "Message from the Pleiades, Vol.4." Tucson, AZ: UFO Photo Archives, 1995. ________________________ Stevens, Wendelle C. "UFO… Contact from the Pleiades: A Preliminary Investigation Report." Tucson, AZ: UFO Photo Archives, 1982. ________________________ Stevens, Wendelle C. "UFO… Contact from the Pleiades: A Supplementary Investigation Report." Tucson, AZ: UFO Photo Archives, 1989. ________________________ Stevens, Wendelle C. "UFO… Contact from the DAL Universe of Asket of the Timmers Society" Tucson, AZ: UFO Photo Archives, 2004. (e-book) ________________________ Winters, Randolph. "The Pleiadian Mission: A Time of Awareness." Rancho Mirage, CA: The Pleiades Project, 1995. ________________________ MANY OF THESE BOOKS ARE OUT OF PRINT, RARE, AND HARD TO FIND. HOWEVER, SOME HARD BOUND BOOKS AND EBOOKS OF THESE CAN EITHER BE ORDERED FROM,,, EBAY, or


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My Blog

Light Years - Part 2 / Chapter 7 Continued

             Immediately, the Director of Air Force Intelligence ordered a new UFO project and assigned Captain Edward Ruppelt as its head.  ...
Posted by The Billy Meier Research Page on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:11:00 PST

Light Years by Gary Kinder - Part 2

Light Years: An Investigation into the Extraterrestrial Experiences of Eduard Meier  Part 2   by: ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Gary Kinder  ...
Posted by The Billy Meier Research Page on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:15:00 PST

The Time Travel Notes of Billy Meier

Here is some background information on what Billy Meier learned about the Talmud of Jmmanuel & Jmmanuel as taken from the contact reports with Asket of the Dal universe some 19 years before the co...
Posted by The Billy Meier Research Page on Tue, 13 May 2008 09:22:00 PST

UFO Contact from the Pleiades Vol. 2 by Lee and Brit Elders

UFO& Contact From the Pleiades Volume II[See Photo 1: in UFO Contact Vol. 2 album]{Caption: Jacket Photograph: Taken 3 March, 1975 near Ober-Zelg Canton Zurich. One of two photographs taken by Eduard ...
Posted by The Billy Meier Research Page on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 09:32:00 PST

Billy Meier Books (in English)

Billy Meier Books (in English)..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   Elders, Lee J. UFO& Contact from the Pleiades, Vol.1. ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn...
Posted by The Billy Meier Research Page on Thu, 24 May 2007 12:59:00 PST

Photo Analysis of a Meier Photo. by Neil M. Davis, Physicist

                    DESIGN TECHNOLOGY              P.O. ...
Posted by The Billy Meier Research Page on Tue, 22 May 2007 06:56:00 PST

CONTACT FROM THE PLEIADES? from Flying Saucer Review

CONTACT FROM THE PLEIADES?..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> By Janet & Colin Bord From Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 26, No. 3, 1980   For the past few y...
Posted by The Billy Meier Research Page on Wed, 09 May 2007 08:56:00 PST

A Most Remarkable Recurring UFO Case! from Argosy Magazine

1 A Most Remarkable Recurring UFO Case!..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> From Argosy UFO Magazine, May, 1977   'By Lou Zinsstag and Wendelle C. Stevens. I...
Posted by The Billy Meier Research Page on Wed, 09 May 2007 08:03:00 PST

Photo Analysis from UFO Contact from the Pleiades: A Preliminary Investigation Report.

Downloaded from: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> UFO Contact from the Pleiades A Preliminary Investigation Report Copyrights 1982, 1982,...
Posted by The Billy Meier Research Page on Wed, 09 May 2007 07:52:00 PST

An Open Letter to the UFO Community. by Gary Kinder

An Open Letter to the UFO Communityby Gary Kinder, author of "Light Years"From The MUFON UFO Journal Number 228 April 1987 Issue March 6, 1987 I have received so many phone calls and letters (and...
Posted by The Billy Meier Research Page on Sat, 05 May 2007 06:50:00 PST