.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. REBECCA TURBOW! .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i'd really like to meet rebecca turbow because a) she is neato. b) her clothes are cool! c) she is dreamy. d) her name rocks socks. e) she probably smells good. f) i need more friends in NY i can mooch off of. g) i want to feel safe. h) i already have enough "guy" friends. i) i'd like to know how she made that light bulb evaporate by blowing on it.this is a poem i wrote one time. i enjoy writing. contest featuring human beings:what kind of place is this, where mouths look like open shoes?the tip of your nose serves as an open edition to an asshole.whiskey and water alimony sets fire to recycled opinions.miles creep.what day is it?where chimney sweeps turn in mops for judo lessons in the sidestreets of Boston, and Albuquerque.where a sentimental movie plays in widescreen format across storefronts and car grills.where are we?what looks like a bowling alley or a shopping mall?what shines bright lights on the floodkeepers parking lots?what climbs ladders to escape ugly daydreams, never pretending to to have been born?what time is it?seventy five thousand years wash up on the beaches of some foreign country and are left out of local news broadcasts.school children weep over dead birds displayed prominatly on the cover of your favorite magazine.people sleep on broken adding machines.whose turn is it?holy roman empires pile onto dung heaps in the south west Indies and lie spoiled.several under cover detectives sing Christmas carols in your neighbors basement, which has been converted into a sports themed den.tiny words crack and leak from the corners of your mouth like stones.jupiter sinks into olympic sized swimming pools.whose robes are these?court dates and string violins chirp violent love songs out of soup cans.broken arms bare striking resemblances to old lovers.fathers day anylists climb ropes in gym class and laugh out loud at single threads drying on baking racks.whose heart beats here?whose smile fails?what place is this, where mouths look like open shoes?
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