Member Since: 4/30/2007
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Influences: Hi there how are you? my influences are wide but rooted in many kinds of gospel music to a wide variety of stuff. I really love Springsteen, Van Morrison, Dylin, to celtic spiritual meditational monastic music. I love Peter Gabriel and many others. I'm influenced by singers that have a depth more than just the music they are offering. The spiritual melodic landscape of their lives that can resonate with our own and cause some kind of musical inspiration and growth and insight. I love and I am influenced by many deep rooted performers who come from all kinds of spiritual and enlightening backgrounds that don't always seem at first to be spiritual like Peter Gabriel. To me he is like the musical version of Echart Tole who is a renowned spiritual speaker. Peter Gabriel forever leaves amazing room for thought. I love his sound and the producers that work with him. Like Eno and Lanis who have worked with our very own U2. I love them too, well you would have to being irish.
Sounds Like: Some say I sound like Van Morriison, Bruce Springsteen, Tom Waits, Rufus Wanbright, Otis Reeding, Bill Withers. Well I am influenced by all these so its bound to come out somewhere inside the music. But its still a struggle to get a break, but I'm enjoying this myspace and I enjoy the music truely and being able to give something of myself to others.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None