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I'm getting Married!!!

About Me

Hello, my name is Chelsea and I got married on June 2, 2007 to an amazing man!*~BEST FRIENDS~*~~~Stephen and I~~~

My Interests

Besides reading, my interests lie in American Sign Language. I have completed all the required classes in ASL to obtain my degree. I love to use the skills I have learned to help any deaf people I meet.Us girls at the bridal expo!

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet my relatives in Sweden, find old friends, and someday meet my Savior Jesus Christ!


Best friend and her new husband!....My husband and his family!....Emily and Trent in AZ...


My love,I love you so much. I stopped tonight and I thought about everything. Us, our love, what you mean to me, my failures, life, our future. The list goes on and on. Chelsea you are my everything. I am sorry if I don’t always treat you the way you should be treated, and I am sorry if my love for you does not always show. I do love you more than anything. I realize that I have many faults and that I am sometimes unfair and short with you, but please don’t think this changes my love for you. I just am new at this. Being the man comes with a lot of responsibilities, and I am learning as I go. So please my angel forgive me for my short comings. You see, you mean everything to me. I promise I will dedicate my life to being a good husband to you and a good father to our children. I will make many mistakes but I will try to be everything you deserve. I know I never can be because you are amazing and you deserve more than I could ever offer. I will do everything I can in my life to be the man you deserve. I will try to always make you happy, and I will always try to make you seem important. Please do not ever doubt you importance and think you’re just the woman. Like I said I am new to all this but you are not just the woman. I want you by my side baby not standing behind me. I want to treat you the way you should be treated because you are my everything. I want a life with you, in fact I can not imagine a life without you. I want you to be my wife and I want you to have my children. You are the most beautiful and amazing woman I have ever met, and I thank God each and every day for bringing you into my life. So I am putting this in writing so it is a binding contract now. I love you with all my heart and I promise I will try to treat you well, to treat you important, to protect you from bad things including myself, to always cherish you, and to never forget that you are my other half who deserves the world. I will always love you, through the rough roads and the times where I may not show it. You will always be my everything.With all my heart, StephenPS: I hope you’re not mad that I snuck this on your site. It was too big for a comment. I love you ; )


Reba...What I Like About You...GILMORE GIRLS!!!... And Georgia football!
You are Psalms.

Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Christy Miller Series...Glenbrooke Series...The Oath...Monster...I Kissed Dating Goodbye...Boy Meets Girl...I also love Earnest Hemingway... This is Chelsea's husband I'm just saying I love chelsea and seeing how long it takes her to notice. LOL!


Jesus...The apostle sisters...Stephen and Emily!

My Blog


Hi ya'll !  Thought I would try and figure this thing out on my's not looking to good!  I need your help M!
Posted by Chels on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST