wow, i enjoy so much things...hmmm like everyone else, movies, reading, music, sushi, porn and all that jazz, but what I really enjoy trying to refine my I am in the promotion business where I book bands, to promoting & producing shows...I am really interested in how I can do it better, while having more fun. It has been getting better and better over the years, so I think its working.
Talented people, cool, level headed, creative, fun loving, honest, open minded people...if thats you than lets be friends!
I seriously like all good music, I even like country and classical. If it has a catch melody and a good beat, i'm sold! I dont care if its Billy Joel to Britney Spears...shoot, I admit that I was a huge Mili Vinilli fan...
Man, there are so many movies I have enjoyed...this one is dumb...who really cares about what movies we like? I like the blow up movies, to the "girl" movies..I like it.