Falmouth Relay For Life profile picture

Falmouth Relay For Life

Welcome to The Falmouth, MA Relay for Life! img src=http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f270/RhettVaug

About Me

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Cancer Ribbons - Image Hosting

June 22nd is coming closer! We are gearing up for our 5th year in Falmouth! This years Relay promises to be full of fun and laughs. The Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society’s main fund raiser. Every penny earned goes directly to funding much needed programs to help annihilate cancer from this world!
This site has been created as a Message board for all teams. Bulletins will go out when our meetings are coming up, or if there is any other info that should be passed on. YACS be sure and tell all your team mates that we are now on myspace woohoo!Interested in signing up online? Our website is www.ReayForLife.org and click the Falmouth Relay.

My Interests

..Interested? The relay is a 21+ Hour event where teams (Friends, Family, Co workers whatever) of up to 15 people collect donations for this worthy cause. We even camp out! As always 1 member from each team MUST be on the track walking at all times. During the relay there are many fun activities to keep your spirits up.

I'd like to meet:

So if you know someone who has been touched by Cancer? A Survivor? Or even a Care giver please help us and either join one of our pre existing teams or make up one of your own! Hope to see you there.


We have bands! So far we are pleased to have the Med Heads and a LIVE DJ! More band info to come as it becomes available!


Undecided as of yet


We are on FCTV now so be on the look out for our Ads!


Janet will be running a great Cancer Control tent this year with TONS of informative booklets etc. on Cancer Treatments, and some of the many things ACS offers to help those diagnosed deal with every day life.a title="Click here to get MySpace comments, cool glitter graphics, photographs, funny stuff and more!" href="http://src="


And who can forget our heroes! The Survivor lap and banquet begins. Do you know a Survivor not yet sighed up? Contact Sharon or Barbara for Survivor forms. And the by far most moving event Our Luminary Ceremony will start at 8pm. Anyone who have relayed has been moved by this amazing site. After all our Survivors are why we relay!