Gothic Tribal Fusion Bellydance, Tribal Fusion Bellydance, Wings,African and Middle Eastern dance and drumming, interesting people, tarot, witchcraft, silliness, humor, uniqueness, wonderment, tattoos, piercings, suspensions, interpreting dreams, meditating, balancing chakras, sound healing, other religions, traveling, astral projection, bullshitting, cussing, Elmo, not taking myself seriously, not taking others seriously, living outside the box, fucking with people inside the box, balancing things on my head...
My inner child so I can kick her ass!You but message me if you want to add me so I know you are not a spammer!If you are a band, a good band, and you want to friend request me great but you sure as hell better make sure I can get a hold of your fricken music if I like it!!!!! All you unsigned bands out to support you but not being able to get yer music is killing me! Ya fuckers! #^@$!#O_@+...XOXO!CURRENT MOON moon phases
Favorite Bands: The Last Dance, Anders Manga, Assemblage 23, VNV Nation, Alter Der Ruine, Rottersand, Icon of Coil, Covenant, ALumInum VoyagE, HexRx,Gewalt Kubikzahl, Esper Machine, Jill Tracy, Collide, Switchblade Symphony, Dresden Dolls, Sisters of Mercy, Painbastard, Engelmacher, Siouxsie, The Cure...
GOTHIC BELLYDANCE II: REVELATIONS DVD TRAILER featuring Sashi of Ascend Tribal...Release date Oct. 30, 2007